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[ONLINE] Pandemic Puppies and Longtime Companions

Friday, June 12, 2020
9:30 AM – 10:15 AM
ONLINE via Teams
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As COVID 19 loomed over the world, compassionate people adopted and fostered animals, emptying the cages at many shelters and rescues. We know that taking these animals in saved the lives of countless dogs and cats and other critters - but what is it doing for the adopters and fosters?

If you share your home with a dog or cat or other animal you already know that there is something special about this relationship. That, the love these animals give makes up for the shoes they have chewed or upholstery destroyed in their naughty days. But, there is more. Whether the animal is is adopted or a foster or a longtime companion, if there is a bond between you, you will both be healthier and less stressed than you would be without their company.

Mary Smida
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