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The Page Lectures: Marilyn Dumont

Friday, October 18, 2019
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Joseph S. Stauffer Library
Room: Alan G. Green Fireplace Reading Room
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The Page Lectures is an annual event hosted by the Department of English Language and Literature (and this year, for the first time, being held in Stauffer Library) that brings a prominent Canadian author to give a lecture on “the page” – the act of writing, the writing life and community, or any aspect of putting words to paper the lecturer wants to explore. This year’s lecturer is award-winning Cree-Métis poet Marilyn Dumont, whose books include A Really Good Brown Girl (1996), green girl dreams Mountains (2001), that tongued belonging (2007), and The Pemmican Eaters (2015). The Page Lectures also honours the late Kingston poet and artist Joanne Page. All are welcome.

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