Panel Discussion in support of Professor Nicolas Lamp's new book, Six Faces of Globalization
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
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Six Faces of Globalization:
Queen's experts unpack and integrate competing perspectives
In support of Professor Nicolas Lamp’s new book, Six Faces of Globalization, an interdisciplinary panel will discuss the merits and limitations of the book’s approach for scholars working in policy, law, and economics. How can we talk across the conceptual divides encapsulated by the narratives identified in the book, and by disciplinary silos? How do we avoid just speaking past each other?
Nicolas Lamp, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law
Alyssa King, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law
Beverly Lapham, Professor, Department of Economics
Robert Wolfe, Professor Emeritus, School of Policy Studies & member, Global Affairs Trade Advisory Council
Joshua Karton, Associate Professor | Associate Dean, Graduate Studies & Research, Faculty of Law
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