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Privilege, Oppression, and Allyship - Core Concepts for Rehabilitation and Global Health

Thursday, April 26, 2018
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Biosciences Complex
Room: 1102
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Privilege, Oppression, and Allyship - Core Concepts for Rehabilitation and Global Health

Dr. Stephanie Nixon BA, BHSc, MSc, PhD


Dr. Malcolm Peat Lectureship

Dr. Stephanie Nixon is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Director of the International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation at the University of Toronto. She has been an HIV activist, researcher and clinician for 20 years. Her current research explores links between HIV, disability and global health in Canada and in Southern Africa. She is particularly interested in exploring how systems of inequality (including colonization and racism) shape health care, health research and health professions education.

The Dr. Malcolm Peat Lectureship Fund was established in memory of Dr.  Malcolm Peat, former Director of the Queen’s University School of Rehabilitation Therapy and founder of the International Centre for the Advancement of Community Based Rehabilitation (ICACBR). Learn more->

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