Queen's United Way Campaign LUNCH & LEARN - Mental Health
12:15 PM – 12:45 PM
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Every fall, the United Way campaign unites the Queen’s and Kingston communities to raise money to help close to 60,000 friends and neighbours through the many different agencies supported by United Way. Join in this virtual Lunch & Learn Speaker Series to understand the needs in our community and how United Way and your donations are helping to make a difference. Everyone is invited to attend these webinars where you will hear directly from agency staff talking about their work and what is happening in our community right now.
Wednesday, October 14 – 12:15 – 12:45 p.m.
Kim Irvine-Albano – Resolve Counselling
Zoom Webinar Link:
Link: https://queensu.zoom.us/j/96518824769?pwd=Z1NxbDVsZHM2VGwzUnhXL0xTa3B2UT09
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