Queen's University Association for Queer Employees (QUAQE) Annual General Meeting
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
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The Queen’s University Association of Queer Employees (QUAQE) was (IS!) a group for LGBTQ2S+ self-identified staff, faculty, and postdocs. Previously, the group included both current and former employees of Queen's and their partners. QUAQE provided opportunities to socialize, discuss relevant issues, raise the visibility of LGBTQ+ issues, and address barriers for queer employees.
A small group of Queen’s staff & faculty have endeavored to revive QUAQE in the form of an Employee Resource Group (ERG) and call in members of the Queer Queen’s community to socialize, discuss issues affecting our community, and raise the profile of LGTBQ2S+ colleagues. At Queen’s, the purpose of an ERG is to create an inclusive workplace for equity-seeking groups. Additionally, we see revitalizing QUAQE as a method to strengthen our community at Queen’s and in Kingston at large.
We invite you to join us for an annual general meeting (AGM) and to celebrate the end of Pride Month, Friday, June 26, tentatively at 4:30pm. Please register your interest and availability here [https://bit.ly/quaqe-agm]. We ask that you please register by Wednesday, June 24, at 5pm. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants the following day. Please feel free to share this announcement and registration widely with your Queen’s colleagues.
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