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Resources for Research at Queen's (R4R@Q's) - What can the media do for researchers?

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Joseph S. Stauffer Library
Room: 121
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R4R@Q: What can the media do for researchers?

Hosted by: University Relations


Melinda Knox, Associate Director, Research Profile and Initiatives, University Relations

Anne Craig, Media Relations Officer, University Relations

Participants at this session will:    

Garner a better understanding of how researchers can participate as experts in media relations activities, including acting as experts and writing for media outlets, such as The Conversation Canada. The session will cover: the benefits of talking to the media, how to covey your research to the media, and how Queen’s can help to facilitate these engagements

Participants will learn how they can utilize the media as an effective form of KM or KT, and apply leverage these experience in applying for and reporting on grants and other funding and award opportunities

Please see the University Research Services website to view the entire R4R@Q 2019/20 series

Traci Allen
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