SESSION 4 Queen's Int'l Institute on Social Policy - BUILDING BACK BETTER: Forging a post-pandemic social contract
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
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BUILDING BACK BETTER: Forging a post-pandemic social contract that works for all
A weekly series of on-line moderated discussions between August 25 and September 10, 2020
Under the overarching theme - Building Back Better: forging a post-pandemic social contract that works for all - the 2020 Queen’s social policy conference will explore how Canada and other OECD countries can rethink and reset critical building blocks of social policy in light of the fault lines exposed by the current crisis.
SESSION 4 - Rethinking income protection
The disruption and hardship caused by the 2020 crisis is heightening concerns about gaps in coverage, inequities and inefficiencies in the current patchwork of income security measures in Canada and other OECD countries. Emergency measures such as income benefits and wage subsidies have quickly been introduced to keep individuals & families afloat. As these emergency measures wind down, can countries build back better? Can public policies be designed that are more equitable in their coverage and better suited to the contemporary nature of work?
- Hilary Hoynes, Professor, Haas Distinguished Chair in Economic Disparities, University of California, Berkeley
- Miles Corak, Professor, Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality, City University of New York
- David Green, Professor, Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia
Moderator: Mark Stabile, Stone Chaired Professor in Wealth Inequality, INSEAD, Paris
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