5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
TEDx Salon events are unique, intimate gatherings for live presentations, screened TED talks, and discussions on issues of interest to the local community. Sponsored by Queen's University School of Graduate Studies (SGS), TEDxQueensU Salon is proud to highlight graduate student research in honour of 'Celebrating Graduate Studies 2018.'
TEDxQueensUSalon: CROSSROADS and SGS will welcome Emily Knight (The Engine @ MIT), and Shyra Barberstock (Co-Founder of Okwaho Equal Source & QueensU PhD Student) to each discuss their successes in mobilizing research ideas on an international and community level. Talks will be followed by round-table presentations on Queen's graduate student research, after which time attendees are invited to participate in idea generation for a community-based application of the graduate student's research (i.e., infographic, outreach program, business, etc.)
Light refreshments will be provided. Doors open for networking at 4:45pm followed by formal programming beginning at 5:00pm
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