2020 Distinguished Publication Award from the Association for Women in Psychology (AWP)

Sari van Anders, Canada 150 Research Chair in Social Neuroendocrinology, Sexuality, and Gender/Sex & Professor of Psychology, Gender Studies, & Neuroscience co-authored 2019 American Psychologist article on “The future of sex and gender in psychology: Five challenges to the gender binary” has won the 2020 Distinguished Publication Award from the Association for Women in Psychology (AWP).

The award is given in recognition of significant and substantial contributions of research and theory that advance our understanding of the psychology of women and promote achievement of the goals of the Association. Every year since 1977, AWP has given one or more awards for books and/or articles (published the prior year) that make a significant contribution to feminist psychology.

Professor van Anders previously won this award in 2015 for her paper "Beyond sexual orientation: Integrating gender/sex and diverse sexualities in Sexual Configurations Theory.