Leadership Library

PLEASE NOTE: The Leadership Library, and the Student Experience Office space, are closed until further notice. We are still operating remotely. Check out the Club Hub for resources, or feel free to reach out to us at student.experience@queensu.ca if you are looking for leadership materials.

Behind every productive, passionate, and hard-working team lies a shared sense of unity and understanding. At the Student Experience Office, the Leadership Library is a collection of resources available to students and on-campus groups looking to strengthen team dynamics.

We offer a variety of workshop materials, books, activities, and office supplies that will aid you in hosting engaging group meetings, leadership workshops, and team-building sessions.

  • Books on the following topics: facilitation techniques, leadership games, post-secondary education, team-building activities, etc.
  • Activity supplies: Lego, Play Doh, blocks, blindfolds, buzzers, cones, miniature whiteboards, etc.
  • Board games: Jenga, Monopoly, Scattergories, Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Checkers, Blokus, Hedbanz, Scrabble, Skipbo, Monopoly Deal, Sorry!, etc.

Drop by the Boardroom inside the Well (i.e., JDUC 114) to have a look and sign out any item(s) that interest you. The Student Experience Office is open on weekdays from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.