

The I.N.F.A.N.T. Lab (Infant Neurodevelopment, Feeding Advances, and New Technologies) is devoted to health research with the goal of optimizing the quality of life for infants born with complex medical conditions, with a particular focus on infants who are born preterm. The research program consists of three interrelated areas:

  1. Early detection of neurodevelopmental disorders: This research area focuses on the identification of biomarkers and environmental factors associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as the creation and psychometric testing of novel assessment tools for the early detection of neurodevelopmental disorders. 

  2. Family-integrated interventions: This research area focuses on designing and testing novel family-integrated intervention programs to improve outcomes.  

  3. Health service delivery: This research area encompasses the evaluation of health service delivery to promote best practices and outcomes. 


The I.N.F.A.N.T. Lab favors an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to research, incorporating researchers, clinicians, and students across various disciplines, along with families conducting clinical investigations to improve infants' neurodevelopmental milestones, including feeding, motor, cognitive, and psychosocial outcomes, and their quality of life and that of their families.


The lab offers stimulating research training opportunities for all students in various programs, including undergraduate independent study projects, medical resident studies, master’s and doctoral theses, and postdoctoral fellows.


  • Characterization of sucking pattern associated with neonatal brain injuries. 

  • An innovative virtual approach to evaluating developmental milestones in infants with complex health conditions. 

  • The long-term benefits of parent delivered interventions in the NICU. 

  • Parent-driven pathway to better breastfeeding outcomes in infants who are in the NICU. 

  • Explains the role of school-based OT in addressing feeding problems of children at school.