Inquiry @ Queen’s Undergraduate Research Conference
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The 16th annual Inquiry@Queen’s Undergraduate Research Conference will be held virtually from March 9-11, 2022. This conference celebrates the research of a new generation of scholars and offers a platform for their voices, ideas, and creativity. The call for submissions is open on the new I@Q website,, and the deadline to submit an abstract is Friday, February 18, 2022. The conference theme, Reaching Beyond, invites contemplation of our everyday lives, our ways of thinking, and how we engage in questioning and exploring the world around us.
This year’s program will combine short online presentations and posters in a live Zoom question and answer forum. We hope to see both individual and group projects that capture art, performance, creative writing, applied research, field work, community engagement, archival research … and more. Details on presentation format and how to submit your proposal are on the I@Q website, All abstracts and presentations will be formally published in the I@Q Conference Proceedings.
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