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Reading Queen's: A Panel Discussion on the Student Experience

Thursday, January 31, 2019
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
John Deutsch University Centre
Room: Wallace Hall
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Queen’s Reads is a common reading program that aims to engage the Queen’s community in dialogue.

What does being a Queen’s student mean to you? Come to our panel to hear from current Queen’s students about their experience on campus and in their communities. Take this opportunity to develop your understanding of different experiences and discuss how this can be done by reading novels like Scarborough

Panelists include:
Anderson Albert, Teacher Candidate, Education
Alexandra da Silva, University Rector
Clarissa de Leon, PhD Student, Education
Darian Doblej, Law Student
Tharziha Ganeshamoorthy, ASUS Equity Commissioner

Moderator: Alana Butler, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education

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