
Latchmore T, Lavallee S, Boudou M, McDermott KJ, Brown S, Hynds PD, Majury A. (2021) Impacts of COVID-19 lockdown on private domestic groundwater sample numbers, E. coli presence and E. coli concentration across Ontario, January 2020–March 2021: An interrupted time-series analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 814: 152634. 

Gray DB, Gagnon V, Button M, Farooq AJ, Patch DJ, Wallace SJ, Koch I, O'Carroll D, Weber KP. (2021) Silver nanomaterials released from commercial textiles have minimal impacts on soil microbial communities at environmentally relevant concentrations. Science of the Total Environment, 806(Pt 3):151248. 

Rezasoltani S, Champagne P, Mann V. (2021) Biostabilization of Gold Mine Tailings: Co-Inoculation of Cyanobacteria Under Sterile and Non-Sterile Conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, under review. 

Azizi D, Arif A, Blair D, Dionne J, Filion Y, Ouarda Y, Pazmino AG, Pulicharia R, Rilstone V, Tiwari B, Vignale L, Brar SK, Champagne P, Drogui P, Langlois VS, Blais JF. (2021) A comprehensive review on current technologies for removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from wastewaters. Environmental Research, 112196. 

Rodriguez-Gil JL, Stoyanovich S, Hanson ML, Hollebone B, Oriel DM, Palce V, Faragher R, Mirnaghi FS, Shah K, Yang Z, Black TA, Cederwall J, Mason J, Patterson S, Timlick L, Seguine JY, Blais JM. (2021) Simulating diluted bitumen spills in boreal lake limnocorrals - Part 1: Experimental design and responses of hydrocarbons, metals, and water quality parameters. Science of the Total Environment, 790: 148537. 

Armstrong Z, Moir K, Windle MJS, Ridal JJ, Cumming BF. (2021) Ecological change associated with historic industrial activity in the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall, ON: A paleo-ecotoxicological assessment using subfossil chironomid assemblages. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 47(4): 1074-1085. 

Cuprys A, Thomson P, Ouarda Y, Suresh G, Rouissi T, Brar SK, Drogui P, Surampalli RY. (2021) Corrigendum to Ciprofloxacin removal via sequential electro-oxidation and enzymatic oxidation. J. Hazard. Mater, 389: 121890. 

Cuprys A, Thomson P, Suresh G, Roussi T, Brar SK, Drogui P. (2021) Potential of agro-industrial produced laccase to remove ciprofloxacin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 

Mooney S, O'Dwyer J, Lavallee S, Hynds PD. (2021) Private groundwater contamination and extreme weather events: The role of demographics, experience and cognitive factors on risk perceptions of Irish private well users. Science of The Total Environment, 784:147118.

Lavallee S, Latchmore T, Hynds PD, Brown S, Schuster-Wallace C, Dickson-Anderson SE, Majury A. (2021) Drinking Water Consumption Patterns among Private Well Users in Ontario: Implications for Exposure Assessment of Waterborne Infection. Risk Analysis.

Thomson P, Pineda M, Yargeau V,  Langlois VS. (2021) Chronic Exposure to Two Gestagens Differentially Alters Morphology and Gene Expression in Silurana tropicalis. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 80(4):745-759.

Moir KE, Windle MJS, Cumming BF, Ridal JJ. (2021) Nearshore Sedimentary Mercury Concentrations Reflect Legacy Point Sources and Variable Sedimentation Patterns Under a Natural Recovery Strategy. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 40(6): 1788-1799. 

Madison BN, Reynolds J, Halliwell L, Leshuk T, Gu F, Peru KM, Headley JV, Orihel DM. (2020) Can the toxicity of naphthenic acids in oil sands process-affected water be mitigated by a green photocatalytic method? FACETS, 5(1):474-487

Lavallee S, Majury A, Brown S, Wallace C, Dickson-Anderson SE, Di Pelino S, Egan R, Hynds PD. (2020) Examining influential drivers of private well users’ perceptions in Ontario: A cross-sectional population study. Science of the Total Environment, 763:142952 .

Andrade L, Kelly M, Hynds PD, Weatherill J, Majury A*, O’Dwyer J. (2020) Groundwater resources as a global reservoir for antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. Water Research, 170:115360.

Latchmore T, Hynds PD, Brown S, Wallace C, Dickson-Anderson SE, McDermott KJ, Majury A. (2020) Analysis of a large spatiotemporal groundwater quality dataset, Ontario 2010–2017: Informing human health risk assessment and testing guidance for private drinking water wells. Science of the Total Environment, 738:140382. 

Cederwall J, Black TA, Blais JM, Hanson ML, Hollebone BP, Palace VP,  Rodriguez-Gil JL, Greer CW, Maynard C, Ortmann AC, Rooney RC, Orihel DM*. Life under an oil slick: Response of a freshwater food web to simulated spills of diluted bitumen in field mesocosms. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(5). 

Moir KE, Hickey MBC, Leavitt PR, Ridal JJ, Cumming BF* (2018). Paleolimnological proxies reveal continued eutrophication issues in the St. Lawrence River Area of Concern. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44: 357-366 

O’Carroll DM, Jeffries TC, Lee M, Le ST, Yeung A, Allace S, Battye N, Patch D, Manefield MJ, Weber KP*. (2019) Developing a roadmap to determine per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances-microbial population interactions. Science of the Total Environment, 712: 135994.

Di Battista V, Rowe RK, Patch D, Weber KP. (2020) PFOA and PFOS diffusion through LLDPE and LLDPE coextruded with EVOH at 22 °C, 35 °C, and 50 °C. Waste Management, 117: 93-103. 

Turner LP, Kueper B, Jaansalu KM, Patch D, Battye N, El-Sharnouby O, Mumford K, Weber KP. (2020) Mechanochemical remediation of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) amended sand and aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) impacted soil by planetary ball milling. Science of The Total Environment, 765: 142722. 

Duchesne AL, Brown J, Patch D, Major D, Weber KP, Gerhard JI. (2020) Remediation of PFAS-Contaminated Soil and Granular Activated Carbon by Smoldering Combustion. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(19): 12631–12640. 

Trudeau VL, Thomson P, Zhang WS, Reyaud S, Navarro-Martin L,  Langlois VS. (2020) Agrochemicals disrupt multiple endocrine axes in amphibians. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 110861.

Gao Y, Champagne P, Blair D, He O, Song T. Activated Persulfate by Iron-Based Materials Used for Emerging Contaminants Degradation: A Review (2020) Water Science and Technology, 81 (5): 853–875. 

Conference Proceedings

Halliwell L. (2021) Wastewater Treatment Systems under Climate Change. Fulford Water Symposium (Virtual).

Halliwell L. (2021) Grad School Research Projects; Introduction to Water Treatment Systems Engineering. Civil Engineering Forum (Virtual).

Latchmore T. (2021) Using a large spatiotemporal groundwater quality dataset to delineate a suite of Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessments for private drinking water wells in Ontario. Fulford Water Symposium (Virtual).

Lavallee S. (2021) Exploring the knowledge, attitudes and practices of current well water stewardship in rural Ontario. ENSC 897 Seminar (Virtual). 

Lavallee S. (2021) Exploring the knowledge, attitudes and practices of current well water stewardship in rural Ontario. School of Environmental Studies Annual Research Day (Virtual). 

Lavallee S, Mooney S, Hynds PD, Brown S, Majury A. (2021) Classification of private well users in Ontario for quantitative risk assessment and socio- epidemiological modelling: A cross- sectional population study. IAH 2021 Belgium, 48th International Congress.

Patch D. (2021) From sock to stream: Environmental release, transport, fate, and effects of weathered silver nanomaterials from commercial products. ACS Spring Meeting (Virtual).

Patch D. (2021) Irradiation-based degradation of per-and-polyfluorylalkyl substances (PFAS): Isomer-dependence, pH, and transformation. ACS Spring Meeting (Virtual).

Petculescu I. (2021) Total Coliforms: towards a better understanding of… MES Research Day (Virtual)

Uzel B. (2021) Cold-season warming increases growing season inorganic Nitrogen pools in a High Arctic wet-sedge tundra. Queen's Northern Research Symposium (Virtual). 


Andrade L, Kelly M, Hynds PD, Weatherill J, Majury A, O'Dwyer J. (2020) Groundwater Resources as Global Reservoirs of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. BEES Virtual Research Day (Virtual). 

Farooq A, Weber K, Patch D, O'Carroll D, Gagnon V. (2020) A silver lining: Examining both pristine and weathered silver nanomaterials in constructed wetland mesocosms (Oral). 55th Annual Canadian Association on Water Quality Research Symposium, Toronto, ON.

Hataley E.  (2020) Understanding the accumulation of microcystins on microplastics in freshwater (Poster). SETAC NA 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.

Patch D. (2020)  Gamma Irradiation of PFAS. SYNRGY (London)

Patch D, Koch I, Cresswell T, Hughes C, Bryan J, O’Carroll D, Weber K. (2020) Irradiation-Based Degradation of Per-and polyfluorylalkyl
substances (PFAS): Insights Into Mechanism, Isomer Dependence, pH, and Transformation. 55th Annual Canadian Association on Water Quality Research Symposium, Toronto, ON.

Thomson P. (2020) The effects of cattle growth promotant steroids in the Western clawed frog. Conges ETE (Virtual). 

Thomson P. (2020) Ecotoxicological Implications of an Agricultural Retention Pond Pesticide Mixture on the American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus). SETAC North America (Virtual). 

Thomson P. (2020) Les bassins de rétention dans l'agroécosystème : implications écotoxicologiques chez une espèce d'amphibien Canadienne. EcotoQ minicolloque (Virtual) 

Thomson P. (2020) Effects of environmentally realistic pesticide mixtures on metamorphosis in the American toad. Canadian Ecotoxicology Workshop (Virtual). 

Andrade LKelly M, Hynds PD, Weatherill J, Majury A*, O’Dwyer J. (2019) Groundwater contamination with Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria: A review of incidence, frequency and temporal tendencies. International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group) At Tullamore, Co Offaly, Ireland.

Andrade L, Kelly M, Hynds PD, Weatherill J, Majury A*, O’Dwyer J. (2019) Global Assessment of the Occurrence of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Groundwater Environments. One Health European Joint Programme Annual Scientific Meeting.

Andrade L, Kelly M, Hynds PD, Weatherill J, Majury A*, O’Dwyer J. (2019) Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria in the Subsurface Environment: A global review. Environ 2019.

Armstrong Z and Moir K. (2019) Impacts of sedimentary metal contamination on lower-trophic-level ecology in a fluvial environment. BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Blair D, Champagne P*, Sanders B, Gnananayakan A, Brown S.* (2019) Rapid Bacteriological Quantification Using Florescent Enzymatic Activity in Municipal Wastewater 7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management June 26-29, Heraklion, Greece

Blair D, Brown S*, Champagne P*. (2019) Evaluating Water Quality Parameters in Municipal Wastewater by Florescent Signal in Enzyme Activity Defined Substrates 69th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. October 20-23, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Blair D. (2019) Applicability of commercial bacteria quantification methods via temporally-extended two-dimensional synchronous fluorescence scan. FEAS Research Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Blair D. (2019) Evaluating DOM in commercial bacteria growth methods via temporally-extended two-dimensional synchronous fluorescence scan. BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Cederwall J. (2019) Diluted bitumen spills and the boreal freshwater ecosystem: a microcosm study. Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research/Society for Canadian Limnologists (oral). London, ON, CAD.

Echeverría VG. (2019) Microbial growth involved in pharmaceuticals removal from water by biofiltration using a biobed-based biofilter. BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Echeverría VG. (2019). Behavior of microorganisms involved in a biofiltration process using a biobed-based biofilter. PEOPLE CREATE Conference, St. Johns, NFLD.

Echeverría VG. (2019) Bacteria and fungi behavior in a biobed-based biofilter during emerging contaminants (ECs) removal. 69th CCEC, Halifax, NS.

Farooq A. (2019) A silver lining: The fate of released silver nanomaterials from commercial products in subsurface wetlands mesocosms. BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Farooq A, Gagnon V, Patch D, Button M, O’Carroll DM, Weber KP*. (2019) From commercial products to subsurface wetlands: a mesocosm approach examining the impacts of silver nanomaterials. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting At San Francisco.

Farooq A. (2019) The fate of pristine and weathered silver nanomaterials from commercial products in subsurface planted wetland mesocosms (Poster). SETAC 40th North American Meeting, Toronto, ON.

Hataley E. (2019) Can microplastics act as a medium to concentrate waterborne microcystin? (3rd - Poster). BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Hataley E.  (2019). Can microplastics act as a medium to concentrate waterborne microcystins? (Poster). IFHAB, Toronto, ON.

Kelly M. (2019) The spatiotemporal distribution, phylogenetic and antibiogram profile associated with E. coli contaminated groundwater sources in southeastern Ontario. BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Kelly M. (2019) Environmentally-enriched E. coli populations in private well waters in south eastern Ontario. AMMI Canada CACMID Annual Conference. Ottawa, ON, CAD.

Lavallee S. (2019) Drivers of Protective Health Behaviours among Private Well Users in Ontario: A cross-sectional survey of awareness, perception, attitude, beliefs and experience. Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Canada. Ottawa, ON, CAD.

Lavallee S. (2019) Drivers of Health Behaviours Among Private Well Users in Ontario: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Awareness, Perception, Attitude and Experience. BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Moir K. (2019) Are nutrients driving cyanobacterial success? A paleolimnological assessment of recent changes to algae. River Symposium, London, ON.

Moir K. (2019) Are nutrients driving cyanobacterial success? A paleolimnological assessment of recent changes to algal community structure in Lake St. Francis. River Symposium. Cornwall, ON, CAD

Moir K. (2019) Are nutrients driving cyanobacterial success? A paleolimnological assessment of recent changes to algal community structure in Lake St. Francis. Society of Canadian Limnologists. London, ON, CAD

Patch D. (2019) From Sock to Stream – Characterization of Released Silver Nanomaterials from Commercial Products after Simulated Wearing (1st - Oral Presentation). BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON. 

Patch D. (2019) From Sock To Stream: Release of Silver Nanomaterials From Commercial Products. 5th Annual Queens/RMC ChemEng Research Award, Kingston, ON.

Robinson M. (2019) Sediment Dynamics and the growth/decay of biofilms in a mixed primarily gravel-cobble stream (The Salmon River, Ontario, Canada). BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Su E. (2019) Impacts of Headwaters Stream Burial on Kemptville Creek Subwatershed. International SWAT Conference. Vienna, Austria.

Thomson P. (2019) Does chronic exposure to agricultural retention pond water induce endocrine disruption in the American toad. North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology. Gainesville, FL, USA.

Thomson P. (2019) Does chronic exposure to agricultural retention pond water induce endocrine disruption in the American toad (1st - Oral Presentation). Gananoque Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development. Gananoque, ON, CAD

Thomson P. (2019) Les effets d’un basin de rétention Agricole chez une espèce d’amphibien canadienne (1st - Oral Presentation in a second language). Congrès Eau Terre et environnement (CETE) Environnement, Quebec.

Thomson P. (2019) Retention ponds in the agroecosystem: ecotoxicological implications on an amphibian species (2nd - 3 minute thesis competition). Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop (CEW), Quebec.

Blair D, Rey A. (2018) Sensing wastewater with infrared monitoring (SWIM). BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Cederwall J. (2018) Impacts of diluted bitumen spills on freshwater phytoplankton communities. SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting (Poster). Sacramento, CA, USA

Cederwall J. (2018) Understanding the effects of diluted bitumen in fresh waters through experimental oil spills: preliminary findings on microbial communities. SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting (Poster). Sacramento, CA, USA

Farooq A. (2018) The journey of silver nanomaterials in planted subsurface constructed wetlands. BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Lavallee S. (2018) Exploring the knowledge, attitudes and practices of current well water stewardship in rural Ontario communities: Implications for drinking water vulnerability and public health risks. Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors. London, ON, CAD

Moir K. (2018) Multiple stressors in a large, fluvial system: what factors are driving cyanobacterial abundance? (1st - Poster). BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.

Patch D. (2018). Release of silver nanomaterials from textiles: influence of artificial weathering on nanomaterial characteristics (2nd - Poster). BWRC Symposium, Kingston, ON.