Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Mining Engineering, B.A.Sc. (Class of 2023)

This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 calendar. To access the most recent version of the calendar, please visit

Second Year Common Core - 2020-2021

APSC 200Engineering Design & Practice II4.00
APSC 221Economic And Business Practice3.00
APSC 293Engineering Communications1.00
CIVL 230Solid Mechanics I4.25
MINE 201Introduction to Mining and Mineral Processing4.00
CHEE 209Analysis Of Process Data3.50
MTHE 225Ordinary Differential Equations3.50
CHEE 210Thermodynamics of Energy Conversion Systems3.50
CIVL 222Numerical Methods5.00
MECH 210Electronic Circuits and Motors for Mechatronics4.50
MINE 267Applied Chemistry for Mining3.50
MINE 268Analytical Methods in Mining1.00
MINE 272Applied Data Science4.50
Total Units45.25

Mining Option N1

Second Year Common Core45.25
Complementary Studies, List A3.00
Total Units48.25

Minerals Processing Environmental Option N2

Second Year Common Core45.25
Complementary Studies, List A3.00
Total Units48.25

Mine-Mechanical Option N3

Second Year Common Core45.25
MECH 228Kinematics And Dynamics3.50
Total Units48.75

Third Year Common Core - 2021-2022

MINE 321Drilling & Blasting4.50
MINE 325 - Applied Rock Mechanics4.50
MINE 326Operations Research4.50
MINE 330Mineral Industry Economics3.50
MINE 331Methods Of Mineral Separation4.50
GEOE 262Aspects Mineral Deposits3.75
MINE 324Hydraulics/Mining Applications3.50
MINE 341Open Pit Mining4.50
MINE 344Underground Mining4.00
Total Units37.25

Mining Option N1

Third Year Common Core37.25
MINE 339Mine Ventilation4.50
Mining Elective List A3.00
Mining Elective List A or B3.00
Total Units47.75

Minerals Processing Environmental Option N2

Third Year Common Core37.25
CHEE 319Process Dynamics & Control3.50
CHEE 321Chemical Reaction Engineering3.50
Mining Elective List A3.00
Total Units47.25

Mine-Mechanical Option N3

Third Year Common Core37.25
MECH 328Dynamics And Vibration3.50
MECH 323Machine Design I4.50
MECH 350Automatic Control3.50
Total Units48.75

Fourth Year Common Core - 2022-2023

MINE 422Mining And Sustainability4.00
MINE 431Life-Cycle Assessment for Green Technologies3.50
MINE 459Risk and Reliability Analysis for Industrial Asset Management, Health & Safety4.00
Mining Elective List A or B3.00
Complementary Studies List A or B3.00
Total Units17.50

Mining Option N1

Fourth Year Common Core17.50
MINE 467Geostatistics and Orebody Modelling4.50
MINE 445Open Pit Mine Design5.50
MINE 448Underground Design5.50
Mining Elective List A or B3.00
Total Units36.00

Minerals Processing Environmental Option N2

Fourth Year Common Core17.50
MINE 451Chemical Extraction Of Metals4.00
MINE 455Design, Analysis and Operation of Mineral Processes4.50
MINE 458Process Investigations4.00
Mining Elective List A3.00
Mining Elective List A or B3.00
Total Units36.00

Mine-Mechanical Option N3

Fourth Year Common Core17.50
MINE 339Mine Ventilation4.50
MINE 471Mine-Mechanical Design Project5.50
Complementary Studies, List A3.00
Mining Elective List A or B3.00
Mining Elective List A3.00
Mining Elective List A or B3.00
Total Units39.50

Elective Requirements

Students in all options (N1-Mine-Mine, N2-Mineral Processing Environmental, N3-Mine-Mechanical) must take a minimum of four courses from the approved Elective lists.

Mining Engineering: Electives

Complementary Studies

Refer to the Complementary Studies section of this calendar for details regarding the requirements for all Engineering programs. For the Mining Program, the Engineering Economics courses are APSC 221 Economic And Business Practice and MINE 330 Mineral Industry Economics. The Communications course is APSC 293 Engineering Communications. Included in the core Mining program is an additional 2.0 credits of Linkage in MINE 459 Risk and Reliability Analysis for Industrial Asset Management, Health & Safety. In addition to this core content, Mining students must take at least 6 additional credits of Complementary Studies, of which at least 3 credits must be from List A and the remaining 3 credits can be from List A or B.