Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Application Procedures

This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 calendar. To access the most recent version of the calendar, please visit

General Applications

All applications are processed through:

The Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC)
170 Research Lane
Guelph, ON N1H 5E2

A web application is available at

OUAC will forward applications to Queen’s Undergraduate Admission. An acknowledgment will be sent by Queen’s to each applicant. All supporting documentation required to complete the application can be viewed using the online self-service system. The link will be sent to you after you apply.

Accelerated Standing Track (AST) applicants are required to complete a Supplementary Essay (SE). The SE asks questions about extracurricular activities, work experience, and volunteer experience. The SE is not mandatory for BNSc Four-Year Track students, however it is recommended. Information for the SE can be found at

All supporting documentation (including the SE) must be received at Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment, Queen’s University, Gordon Hall, 74 Union Street, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, by the published deadline dates. The deadline dates are listed on the Undergraduate Admission website

Internal Transfers

Applicants who are already registered at Queen’s University (i.e., internal transfer students) must apply through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) using the 105D application form.

Special Non-Degree Nursing Students

Nursing students who want to take course(s) at Queen’s University on a part-time basis for credit at their home university must apply for admission through the Undergraduate Admission before the application deadline dates: 1 June for Fall-Winter Session, 1 December for Winter Term, 1 April for Summer Term (May-June and May-July Sessions), and 1 June for Summer Term (July-August Session). A “Letter of Permission” from the home university stating the Queen’s course(s) they are allowed to take and the session in which they are allowed to register must accompany the completed Application and Registration Form. More information can be found at