Our research program examines coordination and adaptive learning of limb movements and how regions of the brain are involved in these tasks. We use two different robotic devices called KINARM™ (Kinesiological Instrument for Normal and Altered Reaching Movements). The first device is the robotic Exoskeleton (EXO) in which the subject is seated with arms fitted into supporting troughs. The second Kinarm™ is the End-Point version (EP) which can be used in standing or seated posture; the arms are unsupported and the subject grasps handles.
We have Kinarm Exoskeleton labs for use in Abramsky Hall, Kingston General Hospital (KGH), Hotel Dieu Hospital (HDH) and Providence Care Hospital (PCH). We have End-Point labs for use in Abramsky Hall, KGH and HDH. The KGH site currently has two versions of the Exoskeleton, the classic version and the newest design where the motors have been moved to under the shoulder (UTS design).
Kingston General Hospital (KGH)
Currently on Connell 4 of KGH in the WJ Henderson Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (WJHCPOR) within the Centre for Neuroscience Suite, Room 02.4.031. Bookings are available on a calendar system through Queen's University. To book this robot, please contact Kim Moore. Parking is available in the underground lot on Stuart St.

Exoskeleton Lab
This robot is suitable for use with child and adult participants.
The phone number to the lab is 613-549-6666 ext. 3584.

This Kinarm may be used in seated or standing posture and a full harness system is available. This lab is also equipped with integrated force plates. Eye tracking is available with this system.
The phone number to the lab is 613-549-6666 ext. 4100.
Bookings are currently on the same calendar as the EXO Classic.

Exoskeleton Classic
This robot is located in the same suite as the KGH EP. It is suitable for use with child and adult participants. Eye tracking is available with this system.
The phone number to the lab is 613-549-6666 ext. 4100.
Bookings are currently on the same calendar as the EP.
Hotel Dieu Hospital (HDH)
This lab is located in Centenary 1 of HDH, within the Centre for Neuroscience space. It is near the Human Mobility Research Centre and the Cardiac Rehabilitation Lab. The phone number is 613-544-3310 ext. 3414. To book this robot, please contact Kim Moore. Bookings are available on a calendar system through Queen's University.

Exoskeleton Classic
This robot is suitable for use with child and adult participants.
It is located in room C1-053-13.

This robot is suitable for use with child and adult participants.
It is located in room C1-053-10.
Abramsky Hall, Queen's
These labs are located in Abramsky Hall, 21 Arch Street. The wheelchair accessible entrance is via key-operated elevator. Arrangements for use must be made in advance.

Exoskeleton Classic
This lab is located on the first floor, Room 106. This system is suitable for use with adults and larger children, and supports eye tracking.
The phone number to this lab is 613-533-2654.

This lab is located on the first floor in Room 119. It is equipped with force plates and may be used in either seated or standing posture. No harness system is available at this time. This system has eye tracking capabilities.
Note that this system is usually configured for a vertical screen orientation.
The phone number is 613-533-6000 ext. 74258.
Providence Care Hospital (PCH)
This lab is located in the Downtown Wing of the hospital in Room D2.023 at 752 King Street West inside the Research Suite. The phone number to the lab is 613-544-4900 ext. 53299. Parking is available on site. To book this robot, please contact Kim Moore. Bookings are available on a calendar system through Queen's University.

Exoskeleton Classic
This lab is best used with adults. There is a full lift mechanism to assist with non-ambulatory patients.