
What's involved?

As a participant in one of our studies, you come to a Kinarm™ lab and are greeted by one of our trained operators. 

We will ask for your written consent and gather some basic information including your age, sex, dominant hand, height, and weight. Any personal information that you provide is protected; your identity will only be known to authorized members of Dr. Scott's research team.

You will be seated in the robot and then perform a series of tasks similar to simple video games. While you perform each task, the robot measures your movements and reactions. These measurements are recorded and saved to files on a computer.

Current studies

DBMS-147-22, Dr. Stephen Scott – Primary Investigator 

We are looking for volunteers to take part in a study using new motion tracking technology to examine how you walk and maintain your balance in standing.

Volunteers over the age of 18 and having no neurological or musculoskeletal disorders are invited to participate. During the visit, you will be asked to walk short distances, basic balance tasks, and other common daily activities.

The research lab is located in the Human Mobility Research Lab (HMRL) in Centenary 1 Wing of Hotel Dieu Hospital, 166 Brock Street.

The experiment requires two sessions approximately 1 week apart.  Each session takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete, with the option to participate in additional studies. In appreciation for your time, you will receive a small monetary compensation of $15/session. If you would like more information or would like to schedule a time to participate, please email or call:

Sachitha at +1(519)766-8708 (

We wish to thank everyone who has participated in this study. Currently, we are looking for people who have not previously participated with us.

This study has been reviewed for ethical compliance by the Queen’s University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospital Research Ethics Board.  If you have any concerns about this study (e.g. privacy) please contact:  

The Queen’s University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospital Research Ethics Board (HSREB) at 1-844-535-2988 or email

(January 17th, 2025)


DBMS-143-22, Dr. Stephen Scott – Primary Investigator

We are looking for volunteers to take part in a study of sensory and motor functions. Your data provides us with an understanding of how different kinds of motor skills are used for different situations in daily movements. Your data will be compared against known patient populations such as stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, TIA, epilepsy, and others.

Volunteers with no known neurological or musculoskeletal disorders and over the age of 30 are invited to participate. As a participant in this study, you are asked to perform upper-arm motor tasks with Kinarm Lab robots.

Some tasks will ask you to move quickly and accurately, some will involve memory testing by reporting where you see tiles appear on a screen, and some will test how the robot has moved your arms. There are other tasks that are game-like and you decide how you move to hit targets on a screen.

The Kinarm Lab is located in KHSC – KGH Site on Connell 4 inside the WJ Henderson Centre for Patient-Oriented Research.

Your participation will take approximately 1 hour to complete with the opportunity to participate in additional studies. In appreciation for your time, you will receive a small monetary compensation of $20. Passes for underground parking can be provided. If you would like more information or would like to schedule a time to participate, please email or call

Kim More at 613-533-6000 ext 79822 (

We wish to thank everyone that have participated already. Currently, we are looking for people that have not participated with us previously.

This study has been reviewed for ethical compliance by the Queen’s University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospital Research Ethics Board. If you have any concerns about this study (e.g. privacy) please contact:

The Queen’s University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospital Research Ethics Board (HSREB) at 1-844-535-2988 or email

Thank you for your interest in our studies!

(July 4th, 2024)