Communication FAQs

If you cannot find a tool on your course navbar, see here on how to enable more tools.


All responses to the email sent from the Classlist will be directed to your Queen’s email account.

By default, onQ does not save a copy of the emails sent from Classlist. The only history of the email you sent will be the BCC'd copy sent to your Queen's email address when you select to Email Classlist.  If you are emailing an individual or group/section it is recommended that you  add your email address to the To field or adjust your email settings, see Receive a Copy of All Emails Sent From onQ (above).

Students are able to view the names of students but all private information is hidden.

Issue: A student or an instructor sees a "not authorized" message when sending an email, sending an instant message, accessing the Instant Messages tool, and/or accessing the Email tool in onQ.

Cause: A student has an in-progress quiz in a course they are enrolled OR an Instructor has an in-progress quiz in a course they are enrolled in as a student (such as a Training course or an onQ course with a demo role tied to their email address) - and the quiz's restrictions has "Disable instant messages and alerts" selected. This restriction also affects the ability to send emails or instant messages, which is why the "not authorized" message displays for the user.


  1. Click on the Message Alerts icon in Minibar.
  2. If you see an in-progress quiz attempt is listed, click on the quiz link to go to the course.
  3. Click on the quiz that is in progress.
  4. Click Continue quiz, then submit the quiz. Note: if the Continue quiz button is no longer visible (i.e. the "Quiz Period is Over" message displays on the page), please contact the instructor or staff listed in the Classlist to push through the in-progress quiz attempt.
  5. Then, access the Email tool.


The discussion tool is a feature that allows students and instructors to post threads and responses to each other. This tool can be implemented for numerous applications such as peer feedback, group work, Questions & Answers, etc.

The structure of the Discussions tool consists of Forums, Topics, and Threads.

Forums: Consider the forum as a "category" that the users will contain Topics, Threads, and Posts. A forum must be created in order to create Topics.

Topics: Topics would be the subject that users will discuss. Users will select a topic which they wish to discuss, and can then post a thread within the topic.

Threads: Threads are essentially posts or comments that users add to a topic. Other users can then view the thread and post responses to the thread. Users have the option of subscribing to threads to receive notifications when a new response has been added.

User progress will be enabled in onQ, which will allow Instructors and students to access progress for Discussions, Grades, Objectives, Content, Assignments, Quizzes, Checklist, Surveys, and Login History.

Grading for Discussions is done by creating a grade item in the Gradebook and then associating the activity with the newly created grade item.

There is no automatic grading for Discussions. Instructors can review discussion posts by students and assign a grade which is then published to the gradebook.