
Selected Alumni

Yi-Ming Chang (MSc Student, graduated 2024)

Sebastian Franke (Post-Doc) 

Chelsea Carlson (PhD Student) [2021]
Teacher Training
Thesis: Theory and Simulation Techniques of Broadband Light-Matter Interactions in Nanophotonics

Eric Nussbaum (USRA, Summer Student, 2000 and 2021)
MSc in Economics/Finance 

Matthew Filipovich (MSc Student/MITACS Internship; main supervisor Bhavin Shastri) [2021]
Internship in France, then PhD Student, Oxford University, UK
Thesis: Training Deep Neural Networks and Solving Differential Equations using Neuromorphic Photonics

Will Salmon (MSc Student) [2021]
Thinking about the next transition
Thesis: Master Equations for Computing Gauge-Invariant Observables in the Ultrastrong Coupling

Waleed El-Sayed (accelerated MSc) [2021]
PhD Student, U. Calgary
Thesis: Quasinormal-mode theory and design of elastic Purcell factors, mechanical cavity modes and Fano resonances in optomechanical beams

Erik Sauer (accelerated MSc) [2021]
Thesis: Theory and Computation of Intrinsic Propagation Losses and Disorder-Induced Modes in Topological Photonic Crystal Waveguides Using Mode Expansion Techniques

Gavin Growder (accelerated MSc) [2021]
PhD Student, Ottawa/NRC and Queen's (co-supervised with Lora Ramunno and Dan Dalacu)
Thesis: Quantum Trajectory Theory of Open Cavity-QED Systems with a Time Delayed Coherent Optical Feedback

Chris Gustin (accelerated MSc)
PhD Student and Collaborator, Stanford University
Thesis: Theory and Modelling of Pulse-Driven Quantum Dots in Nanophotonic Structures

Dr. Mohsen Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, post-doctoral fellow
(next known position) post-doc/RA at NRC (National Research Council) in Ottawa

Dr. Juan Pablo Vasco, post-doctoral fellow
(next known position) post-doc at EPFL, Switzerland

Nishan Mann, PhD
BSc from University of Toronto, MSc from Gdansk University of Technology (Poland)
(next known position) Now working for a start-up in Manhattan, Senior Data Scientist
Thesis: Theoretical and computational studies of disorder-induced scattering and nonlinear optical interactions in slow-light photonic crystal waveguides

Ross Manson, (accelerated MSc), Queen’s University

William Cartar, (accelerated MSc)
(next known position) Data scientist, CIBC, Toronto
Thesis: Theory and Modelling of Light-Matter Interactions in Photonic Crystal Cavity Systems Coupled to Quantum Dot Ensembles

Simon Axelron, UG Research student
(next known position) Grad Student at U Toronto, now at Harvard

Dr. Kaushik Roy Choudhury, post-doctoral fellow
PhD from University of Southern California (USA)
(next known position) Senior Statistical Analysis, b3Intelligence, Toronto

Dr. Rongchun Ge, post-doctoral fellow
PhD from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).
(next known position) Post-doc in Singapore.
Now a professor at Sichuan University of Chengdu.

Gerry AngelatosAccelerated MSc Program, Queen’s University
(next known position) PhD student at Princeton
Thesis: Theory and applications of light-matter interactions in quantum dot nanowire photonic crystal systems

Cole Van Vlack, PhD Student
(next known position) Director of Operations and Development at IPG Photonics (Canada)
Thesis: Dyadic Green Functions and their applications in Classical and Quantum Nanophotonics

Dr. Chiranjeeb Roy, post-doctoral fellow
(next known position) Working in industry

Dr. Pradyumna Kumar Pathak, post-doctoral fellow (PDF)
(next known position) Assistant Professor, IIT Mandi, India

Mark Patterson, MSc
Current position: Manager, Electro-Optical Engineering at L3 WESCAM (Ontario, Canada)
Thesis: Classical and Quantum Optical Properties of Slow Light Photonic Crystal Waveguides

Dr. Peijun Yao, postdoctoral fellow
(next known position) Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

Arvin Reza, MSc
Current position: Senior Manager at BMO Financial Group
Thesis: The optical properties of metamaterial waveguide structures.

Dr. V.S.C. Manga Rao, post-doctoral fellow
(next known position)  post-doctoral fellow, Italy.