
Google Scholar Profile


* J222 Kamran Akbari, Franco Nori, and Stephen Hughes, Floquet engineering the quantum Rabi model in the ultrastrong coupling regime, Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 063602, 2025, e-print: arXiv:2407.16188 

Sofia Arranz Regidor, Andreas Knorr, Stephen Hughes, Theory and simulations of few-photon Fock state pulses strongly interacting with a single qubit in a waveguide: exact population dynamics and time-dependent spectra, e-print: arXiv:2410.03716

Sofia Arranz Regidor, Andreas Knorr, Stephen Hughes, Dynamical spectra from one and two-photon Fock state pulses exciting a single chiral qubit in a waveguide, e-print: arXiv:2410.03715

* Chris Gustin, Juanjuan Ren, Stephen Hughes, What is the spectral density of the reservoir for a lossy quantized cavity? e-print:  arXiv:2407.01855

* Daniele Lamberto, Omar Di Stefano, Stephen Hughes, Franco Nori, Salvatore Savasta, Quantum Phase Transitions in Many-Dipole Light-Matter Systems, e-print: arXiv:2405.10711 Phys Rev Res, in press.

* J221 Robert Fuchs, Juanjuan Ren, Sebastian Franke, Stephen Hughes, Marten Richter, Quantization of optical quasinormal modes for spatially separated cavity systems with finite retardation, Phys. Rev. A 110, 043718 – Published 23 October, 2024. e-print: arXiv:2404.07741

* J220 Gavin Crowder, Lora Ramunno, Stephen Hughes, Improving On-Demand Single Photon Source Coherence and Indistinguishability Through a Time-Delayed Coherent Feedback, Phys. Rev. A (Letters) 110, L031703 (2024), e-print: arXiv:2302.08093

* J219 N. J Martin, M. Jalali Mehrabad, X. Chen, R. Dost, E. Nussbaum, D. Hallett, L. Hallacy, E. Clarke, P. K. Patil, S. Hughes, A. M Fox, M. S. Skolnick, L. R. Wilson, Topological and conventional nano-photonic waveguides for chiral integrated quantum optics, Phys Rev Res 6, L022065 (2024) Editors' Suggestion e-print: arXiv:2305.11082

* J218 Stephen Hughes, Chris Gustin, Franco Nori, Reconciling quantum and classical spectral theories of ultrastrong coupling: Role of cavity bath coupling and gauge corrections, Vol. 2, No. 3 / 25 June 2024 Optica Quantum, Editors' Suggestion e-print: arXiv:2309.15788

* J217 Becca VanDrunen, Juanjuan Ren, Sebastian Franke, Stephen Hughes, Gain-compensated metal cavity modes and a million-fold improvement of Purcell factors, Vol. 2, No. 2 / 25 April 2024 Optica Quantum, e-print: arXiv:2308.05806 [Also selected for the Cover!]

* J216 Lara Greten, Robert Salzwedel, Tobias Göde, David Greten, Stephanie Reich, Stephen Hughes, Malte Selig, Andreas Knorr, Strong Coupling of Two-Dimensional Excitons and Plasmonic Photonic Crystals: Microscopic Theory Reveals Triplet Spectra, ACS Photonics 2024, 11, 4, 1396–141, e-print: arXiv:2309.09673 

* J215 Robert Salzwedel, Lara Greten, Stefan Schmidt, Stephen Hughes, Andreas Knorr, Malte Selig, Spatial Exciton Localization at Interfaces of Metal Nanoparticles and Atomically Thin Semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B 109, 035309, 2024, e-print: arXiv:2305.11099

* J214 Juanjuan Ren,  Sebastian Franke, Becca VanDrunen, and Stephen Hughes, Classical Purcell factors  and spontaneous emission decay rates in a linear gain medium, Phys. Rev. A 109, 013513 (2024), Editors' Suggestion, e-print: arXiv:2305.12049

* J213 Shunfa Liu, Chris Gustin, Hanqing Liu, Xueshi Li, Ying Yu, Haiqiao Ni, Zhichuan Niu, Stephen Hughes, Xuehua Wang, Jin Liu, Shunfa Liu, Chris Gustin, Hanqing Liu, Xueshi Li, Ying Yu, Haiqiao Ni, Zhichuan Niu, Stephen Hughes, Xuehua Wang, Jin Liu, Dynamic resonance fluorescence in solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics, Nature Photonics, Jan 2024, e-print: arXiv:2305.18776

* J212 Sebastian Franke, Juanjuan Ren, Stephen Hughes, Impact of mode regularization for quasinormal mode perturbation theories, Phys. Rev. A 108, 043502 (2023), Editors' Suggestion, e-print: arXiv:2204.03982

* J211 Sofia Arranz Regidor, Stephen Hughes, Probing dressed states and quantum nonlinearities in a strongly coupled three-qubit waveguide system under optical pumping, Phys Rev A 108, 033719 (2023), e-print: arXiv:2209.10403

* J210 Kamran Akbari, Will Salmon, Franco Nori, Stephen Hughes, Generalized Dicke model and gauge-invariant master equations for two atoms in ultrastrongly-coupled cavity quantum electrodynamics, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033002 (2023), e-print: arXiv:2301.02127

J209 Chris Gustin, Sebastian Franke, Stephen Hughes, Gauge-invariant theory of truncated quantum light-matter interactions in arbitrary media, Phys. Rev. A 107, 013722 (2023), e-print: arXiv:2208.11796


* J208 Eric Nussbaum, Nir Rotenberg, Stephen Hughes, Optimizing the chiral Purcell factor for unidirectional single photon emitters in topological photonic crystal waveguides using inverse design,   Phys. Rev. A 106, 033514 (2022), e-print: 2206.01300

* J207 Gavin Crowder, Lora Ramunno, Stephen Hughes, Quantum Trajectory Theory and Simulations of Nonlinear Spectra and Multi-Photon Effects in Waveguide-QED Systems with a Time-Delayed Coherent Feedback, Phys Rev A 106, 013714 (2022), e-print: arXiv:2110.09362

* J206 Hao Zhang, Parinaz Moazzezi, Juanjuan Ren, Brett Henderson, Cristina Cordoba, Vishal Yeddu, Arthur M. Blackburn, Makhsud I. Saidaminov, Irina Paci, Stephen Hughes, Reuven Gordon, Coupling Perovskite Quantum Dot Pairs in Solution using Nanoplasmonic Assembly, Nano Letters 13, 5287–5293, (2022) e-print: arXiv:2206.15403

J205  Łukasz Dusanowski, Chris Gustin, Stephen Hughes, Christian Schneider, Sven Höfling, All-optical Tuning of Indistinguishable Single-Photons Generated in Three-level Quantum Systems, Łukasz Dusanowski, Chris Gustin, Stephen Hughes, Christian Schneider, Sven Höfling,  Nano Letters 22, 9, 3562–3568 (2022), e-print: arXiv:2201.00428

* J204 Nils Hauff, Hanna Le Jeannic, Peter Lodahl, Stephen Hughes, Nir Rotenberg, Chiral quantum optics in broken-symmetry and topological photonic crystal waveguides, Phys Rev Res 4, 023082 (2022)  e-print: arXiv:2111.02828

* J203  Marten Richter and Stephen Hughes, Enhanced TEMPO algorithm for quantum path integrals with off-diagonal system-bath coupling: applications to photonic quantum networksPhys. Rev. Lett. 128, 167403 (2022),  e-print: arxiv2110.01334

* J202 Alberto Mercurio, Vincenzo Macrì, Chris Gustin, Stephen Hughes, Salvatore Savasta, Franco Nori, Regimes of Cavity-QED under Incoherent Excitation: From Weak to Deep Strong Coupling, Phys Rev Research 4, 023048 (2022),  e-print: arXiv:2112.08917

* J201 Chris Gustin, Łukasz Dusanowski, Sven Höfling, Stephen Hughes, Using the Autler-Townes and ac Stark effects to optically tune the frequency of indistinguishable single-photons from an on-demand source, Phys Rev Research 4, 023045(2022), e-print: arXiv:2201.03020

* J200 Salmon, Will, Gustin, Chris, Settineri, Alessio, Di Stefano, Omar, Zueco, David, Savasta, Salvatore, Nori, Franco and Hughes, Stephen. "Gauge-independent emission spectra and quantum correlations in the ultrastrong coupling regime of open system cavity-QED" Nanophotonics 11(8): 1573–1590 (2022). e-print: arXiv:2102.12055

* J199. Juanjuan Ren, Sebastian Franke, Stephen Hughes, Quasinormal mode theory of chiral power flow from linearly polarized dipole emitters coupled to index-modulated microring resonators close to an exceptional point, ACS Photonics (2022), e-print: arXiv:2112.02010

*  J198 Sebastian Franke, Juanjuan Ren, Stephen Hughes, Quantized quasinormal mode theory of coupled lossy and amplifying resonators, Phys. Rev. A 105, 023702  (2022),  e-print: arXiv:2109.14967

* J197. Matthew Filipovich, Stephen Hughes, Py Charge: An open-source Python package for self-consistent electrodynamics simulations of Lorentz oscillators and moving point charges, Computer Physics Communications  Volume 274,108291 (2022), e-print: arXiv:2107.12437

* J196. Juanjuan Ren, Sebastian Franke, Stephen Hughes, Connecting classical and quantum mode theories for coupled lossy cavity resonators using quasinormal modes,  ACS Photonics 9, 1, 138–155 (2022), e-print  arXiv:2108.10194


* J195.  Juanjuan Ren, Sebastian Franke, Stephen Hughes, Quasinormal Modes, Local Density of States, and Classical Purcell Factors for Coupled Loss-Gain Resonators, Phys Rev X, 11, 041020 (2021), e-print: arXiv:2101.07633

* J194. Chelsea Carlson, Robert Salzwedel, Malte Selig, Andreas Knorr, Stephen Hughes, Strong coupling regime and hybrid quasinormal modes of a single plasmonic resonator coupled to a TMDC monolayer, Phys. Rev. B 104, 125424 (2021), e-print: arXiv:2106.01892 

* J193. Sofia Arranz Regidor, Stephen Hughes, Cavity-like strong coupling in macroscopic waveguide QED using three coupled qubits in the deep non-Markovian regime, Phys. Rev. A 104, L031701 (2021), e-print: arXiv:2105.08097

* J192. Stephen Hughes, Alessio Settineri, Salvatore Savasta, Franco Nori, Resonant Raman scattering of single molecules under simultaneous strong cavity coupling and ultrastrong optomechanical coupling in plasmonic resonators: phonon-dressed polaritons, Phys. Rev. B 104, 045431 (2021) e-print: arXiv:2103.08670

*  J191. Sebastian Franke, Juanjuan Ren, Marten Richter, Andreas Knorr, Stephen Hughes, Fermi's golden rule for spontaneous emission in absorptive and amplifying media, Phys Rev Lett, 127, 013602 (2021),  e-print: arXiv:2102.13015

* J190. Salvatore Savasta, Omar Di Stefano, Alessio Settineri, David Zueco, Stephen Hughes, Franco Nori, Gauge Principle and Gauge Invariance in Quantum Two-Level Systems, Phys. Rev. A 103, 053703 (2021), e-print: arXiv:2006.06583

* J189. Matthew Filipovich, Stephen Hughes, Space-Time Computation and Visualization of the Electromagnetic Fields and Potentials Generated from Moving Point Charges, Am J. Physics 89, 482 (2021), e-print: arxiv:2010.01558 [Also on: Cover Page]

* J188.  Alessio Settineri, Omar Di Stefano, David Zueco, Stephen Hughes, Salvatore Savasta, Franco Nori, Gauge freedom, quantum measurements, and time-dependent interactions in cavity and circuit QED, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023079 (2021), e-print: 1912.08309

* J187. Sofia Arranz Regidor, Gavin Crowder, Howard Carmichael, Stephen Hughes. Modelling quantum light-matter interactions in waveguide-QED with retardation, nonlinear interactions and a time-delayed feedback: matrix product states versus a space-discretized waveguide model, Physical Review Research, 3, 023030 (2021),  e-print: arxiv:2011.12205

*  J186. Eric Nussbaum, Erik Sauer, Stephen Hughes, Inverse design of broadband and lossless topological photonic crystal waveguide modes, Optics Letters 7, 1732 (2021),   e-print: arXiv:2101.07320

* J185. Chris Gustin, Lukas Hanschke, Katarina Boos, Jonathan R. A. Müller, Malte Kremser, Jonathan J. Finley, Stephen Hughes, Kai Müller, High resolution spectroscopy of a quantum dot driven bichromatically by two strong fields, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013044 (2021) , e-print: arXiv:2006.15778

*  J184. Ryan Peck, Ali Khademi, Juanjuan Ren, Stephen Hughes, Alexandre G. Brolo, and Reuven Gordon, Plasmonic linewidth narrowing by encapsulation in a dispersive absorbing material,  Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013014 (2021)


* J183. J. K. Verma, Harmanpreet Singh, P. K. Pathak, and S. Hughes, Phonon-induced interactions and entanglement formation between two microcavity modes mediated by two semiconductor quantum dots,  Phys. Rev. A 102, 063701 (2020)

*  J182. Al-Waleed El-Sayed, Stephen Hughes, Quasinormal mode theory of elastic Purcell factors and Fano resonances of optomechanical beams, Phys Rev Research 2, 043290 (2020), e-print: arXiv:2006.14809

* J181. Erik Sauer, Juan Pablo Vasco, Stephen Hughes, Theory of intrinsic propagation losses in topological edge states of planar photonic crystals, Phys Rev Research 2, 043109 (2020) , e-print: arXiv:2005.12828

*  J180. Chelsea Carlson, Stephen Hughes, Dissipative modes, Purcell factors and directional beta factors in gold bowtie nanoantenna structures, Phys. Rev. B 102, 155301 (2020), e-print: arXiv:1910.10110

* J179. Sebastian Franke, Marten Richter, Juanjuan Ren, Andreas Knorr, Stephen Hughes, Quantized quasinormal mode description of non-linear cavity QED effects from coupled resonators with a Fano-like resonance, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033456 (2020),  e-print: arXiv:2006.04506

* J178. Sebastian Franke, Juanjuan Ren, Stephen Hughes, Marten Richter, Fluctuation-dissipation theorem and fundamental photon commutation relations in lossy nanostructures using quasinormal modes, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033332 (2020) , e-print: arXiv:2006.09078

* J177. Chelsea Carlson, Andreas Knorr, and Stephen Hughes, Screening of the quantum dot Förster coupling at small distances, Optics Letters 45, 3357 (2020), e-print: arXiv:2002.10326

*  J176. Juanjuan Ren, Sebastian Franke, Andreas Knorr, Marten Richter, Stephen Hughes, Near-field to far-field transformations of optical quasinormal modes and efficient calculation of quantized quasinormal modes for open cavities and plasmonic resonators,
Phys Rev B 101, 205402 (2020), e-print 1912.08309

* J175. Gavin Crowder, Howard Carmichael, Stephen Hughes, Quantum trajectory theory of few photon cavity-QED systems with a time-delayed coherent feedback, Phys Rev A  101, 023807 (2020), e-print: 1910.14601


* J174. Zheng-Yang Zhou, Yun-An Yan, Stephen Hughes, J. Q. You, Franco Nori, Accessing the bath information in open quantum systems with the stochastic c-number Langevin equation method, Phys Rev A 100, 042112 (2019), e-print: arXiv:1905.11119

* J173. J.P. Vasco, S. Hughes, Anderson Localization and Ultrahigh Q/V Cavities: Exploiting long-range disorder in slow-light photonic crystal waveguides, e-print: arXiv:1804.07854 [cond-mat.mes-hall], ACS Photonics 6, 2926-2932 (2019)

* J172. Chris Gustin, Stephen Hughes, Efficient Pulse-Excitation Techniques for Single Photon Sources from Quantum Dots in Cavities, e-print: arXiv:1906.06447, Advanced Quantum Technologies 3, 1900073 (2019), DOI: 10.1002/qute.201900073

* J171. Stephen Hughes, Sebastian Franke, Chris Gustin, Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Andreas Knorr, Marten Richter, Theory and limits of on-demand single photon sources using plasmonic resonators: a quantized quasinormal mode approach, ACS Photonics 6, 2168-2180 (2019), e-print: arXiv:1904.03277

* J170. Sebastian Franke, Stephen Hughes, Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Philip Trøst Kristensen, Kurt Busch, Andreas Knorr, Marten Richter, Quantization of quasinormal modes for open cavities and plasmonic cavity-QED, Phys Rev Lett, 122, 213901 (2019), e-print: arXiv:1808.06392

* J169.  Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Reuven Gordon, Stephen Hughes, Molecular optomechanics in the anharmonic cavity-QED regime using hybrid metal-dielectric cavity modes,   ACS Photonics 6, 2168-2180 (2019),  e-print:  arXiv:1805.10153

* J168. Amirhossein Alizadehkhaledi, Adriaan L. Frencken, Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Stephen Hughes, Frank C. J. M. van Veggel, and Reuven Gordon, Cascaded Plasmon-Enhanced Emission from a Single Upconverting Nanocrystal,  ACS Photonics 6, 1125-1131 (2019)

* J167. Chelsea Carlson, Dan Dalacu, Chris Gustin, Sofiane Haffouz, Xiaohua Wu, Jean Lapointe, Robin L. Williams, Philip J. Poole, and Stephen Hughes, Theory and experiments of coherent photon coupling in semiconductor nanowire waveguides with quantum dot molecules, Phys Rev B 99, 085311 (2019) [eprint: arXiv:1810./04130]

* A. Vafafard, S. Hughes, G. S. Agarwal, Vacuum Induced Coherence in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics , e-print: arXiv:1704.06238


* J166. S. Hughes and Girish S. Agarwal, Controlled dipole transparency with magnetic fields, Optics Letters, 24, 5956 (2018).

* J165.  Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli; Juan Pablo Vasco; Stephen Hughes, Efficient modeling techniques in nanophotonics, Proceedings Volume 10721, Active Photonic Platforms X; 107211G (2018)

* J164. Herman M. K. Wong, Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Lu Sun, Stephen Hughes, Amr S. Helmy,  Nanoscale Plasmonic Slot Waveguides for Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Phys Rev B 98, 085124 (2018)

* J163. Chris Gustin, Stephen Hughes, Pulsed excitation dynamics in quantum-dot–cavity systems: Limits to optimizing the fidelity of on-demand single-photon sources, Phys. Rev. B 98, 045309  (2018),  e-print: arXiv:1805.08823

* J162. C. Carlson and S. Hughes, Disordered nanophotonic surfaces for enhanced light collection in semiconductor solar cells, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35, 1093 (2018).

* J161. S. Hughes, M. Richter, and A. Knorr, Quantized pseudomodes for plasmonic cavity-QED,  Optics Letters 42, 1834 (2018).

* J160. Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli and Stephen Hughes,  Regularized quasinormal modes for plasmonic resonators and open cavities,  Phys. Rev. B 97, 115302  (2018), e-print:  arXiv:1801.03837

* J159. N. Mann and S.. Hughes, Nonlinear coupled mode approach for modeling counterpropagating solitons in the presence of disorder-induced multiple scattering in photonic crystal waveguides,  Phys. Rev. B 97, 085432 (2018).

* J158. C. Gustin, R. Manson, and S. Hughes, Spectral asymmetries in the resonance fluorescence of two-level systems under pulsed excitation, Optics Letters 43, 779-782 (2018);  e-print: arXiv:1711.01502

* J157. J.P. Vasco and S. Hughes, Anderson localization in disordered LN photonic crystal slab cavities, ACS Photonics (2018), DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00967,  e-print: arXiv:1708.07891


* J156. Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Christos Tserkezis, N. Asger Mortensen, Stephen Hughes, Nonlocal quasinormal modes for three-dimensional plasmonic resonators , e-print: arXiv:1707.05750 [physics.optics], Optica, 12, 1503 (2017)

* J155. Herman M.K. Wong, Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Simon Axelrod, Stephen Hughes, Amr S Helmy, Theory of hyperbolic stratified nanostructures for surface enhanced Raman scattering, e-print: arXiv:1710.11162, Phys. Rev. B 96, 205112 (2017).

* J154. Tom Crane, Oliver Joe Trojak, Juan Pablo Vasco, Stephen Hughes, and Luca Sapienza, Anderson Localization of Visible Light on a Nanophotonic Chip, ACS Photonics 4, 2274 (2017)

* J153. W. Cartar, J Mork, and S. Hughes, Self-consistent Maxwell-Bloch modelling of the threshold behaviour of quantum dot photonic crystal cavity lasers, Phys Rev A, 96, 023859 (2017).

* J152. Chris Gustin, Stephen Hughes, Influence of electron-phonon scattering for an on-demand quantum dot single-photon source using cavity-assisted adiabatic passage, Phys Rev B 96, 085305 (2017). (e-print: arXiv:1706.07521)

* J151. Philip Trost Kristensen, Rong-Chun Ge, Stephen Hughes, Reply to "Comment on `Normalization of quasinormal modes in leaky optical cavities and plasmonic resonators` ", Phys. Rev. A 96, 017802 (2017) (e-print: arXiv:1605.08702)

* J150. Ellen Schelew, Rong-Chun Ge and Stephen Hughes, James Pond, Jeff F. Young, Self-consistent numerical modelling of radiatively damped Lorentz oscillators, Phys. Rev. A 95, 063853 (2017).

* J149. Nishan Mann and Stephen Hughes, Soliton Pulse Propagation in the Presence of Disorder-Induced Multiple Scattering in Photonic Crystal Waveguides, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 253901 (2017) (e-print: arXiv:1608.08281 )

* J148. J.P. Vasco, S. Hughes, Statistics of Anderson-localized modes in disordered photonic crystal slab waveguides, Phys. Rev. B 95, 224202 (2017) (e-print: arXiv:1701.09139)

* J147. Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Stephen Hughes, Quantum Optics Model of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Arbitrarily Shaped Plasmonic Resonators, ACS Photonics 4, 1256 (2017) (arXiv)

*J146. Simon Axelrod, Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Herman M. K. Wong, Amr S. Helmy, and Stephen Hughes, Hyperbolic metamaterial nanoresonators make poor single-photon sources, Phys. Rev. B 95, 155424 (2017). (arXiv)

* J145. S. Hughes and G.S. Agarwal, Anisotropy-Induced Quantum Interference and Population Trapping Between Orthogonal Quantum Dot Exciton States in Semiconductor Cavity Systems Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 063601 (2017), or arXiv link

* J144. Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Reuven Gordon, and Stephen Hughes, Modal theory of modified spontaneous emission of a quantum emitter in a hybrid plasmonic photonic-crystal cavity systemPhys. Rev. A 95, 013846 (2017), or arXiv link


* 143. Hargart, Fabian; Roy Choudhury, Kaushik; John, Tilmann; Portalupi, Simone; Schneider, Christian; Hoefling, Sven; Kamp, Martin; Hughes, Stephen; Michler, Peter, Probing the transition from dressed states to the AC Stark effect in cavity-driven quantum dot-micropillar systems, New J. Phys 18, 123031 (2016).

* 142. Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli ; Simon Axelrod ; Herman M. K. Wang ; Amr Helmy ; Reuven Gordon and Stephen Hughes " Quasinormal mode approach to modelling light-matter interactions in plasmonic-dielectric cavity systems ", Proc. SPIE 9920, Active Photonic Materials VIII, 99200W

* Andrew B. Young ; Ben Lang ; Arthur C. T. Thijssen ; Daryl M. Beggs ; Laurens Kuipers ; John G. Rarity ; Stephen Hughes and Ruth Oulton " Putting the spin in photonic crystal waveguides", Proc. SPIE 9920, Active Photonic Materials VIII, 992011

* J141. Manuel Kraft, Sven Moritz Hein, Judith Lehnert, Eckehard Scholl, Stephen Hughes, Andreas Knorr, Time-delayed quantum coherent Pyragas feedback control of photon squeezing in a degenerate parametric oscillator, Phys Rev A, 94, 023806 (2016), e-print: arXiv:1603.07137

* J140. Kaushik Roy-Choudhury, Nishan Mann, Ross Manson and Stephen Hughes, Resonance fluorescence spectra from semiconductor quantum dots coupled to slow-light photonic crystal waveguides,Phys Rev B, 93, 245421 (2016), e-print: arXiv:1603.02984

* J139. T. Malhotra, R.-C. Ge, M. Kamandar Dezfouli, A. Badolato, N. Vamivakas, and S. Hughes, Quasinormal mode theory and design of on-chip single photon emitters in photonic crystal coupled-cavity waveguides, Optics Express, 24, 13574 (2016).

* J138. Gerasimos Angelatos, Stephen Hughes, Polariton waveguides from a quantum dot chain in a nanowire photonic crystal: an architecture for waveguide QED, Optica 3, 370 (2016)

* J137. Ross Manson, Kaushik Roy-Choudhury, and Stephen Hughes, Polaron master equation theory of pulse driven phonon-assisted population inversion and single photon emission from quantum dot excitons, Phys. Rev. B. Phys. Rev. B 93, 155423 (2016), e-print: arXiv:1512.07865

* J136. Fabian Hargart, Markus Muller, Kaushik Roy-Choudhury, Simone Luca Portalupi, Christian Schneider, Sven Hofling, Martin Kamp, Stephen Hughes, Peter Michler, Cavity-enhanced simultaneous dressing of quantum dot exciton and biexciton states, Phys. Rev. B 93, 115308 (2016), e-print: arXiv:1509.03861

* J135. Rong-Chun Ge and Stephen Hughes, Quasinormal mode theory and modelling of electron energy loss spectroscopy for plasmonic nanostructures, J. Opt. 18, 054002 (2016) [special issue on quantum plasmionics], e-print: arXiv:1510.01170


* J134. Rong-Chun Ge and Stephen Hughes, Quantum dynamics of two quantum dots coupled through localized plasmons: an intuitive and accurate quantum optics approach using quasinormal modes,e-print: arXiv:1505.02175 (2015), Phys. Rev. B. 92, 205420 (2015).

* J133. K. Roy-Choudhury and S. Hughes, Quantum theory of light emission from quantum dots coupled to structured photonic reservoirs and acoustic phonons, Phys. Rev. B 92, 205406 (2015). e-print: arXiv:1504.03356

* J132. P. T. Kristensen, R. Ge, and S. Hughes, Normalization of quasinormal modes in leaky optical cavities and plasmonic resonators, Phys. Rev. A 92, 053810 (2015). e-print: arXiv:1501.05938

* J131. Andrew B. Young, Arthur Thijssen, Daryl M. Beggs, Petros Androvitsaneas, L. Kuipers, John G. Rarity, Stephen Hughes, Ruth Oulton, Polarization engineering in photonic crystal waveguides for spin-photon entanglers, Physical Review Letters 115, 153901 (2015), and selected as an Editor's Choice. See also arXiv:1406.0714

* J130. K Roy Choudhury and S. Hughes, Theory of phonon-modified spontaneous emission and photoluminescence intensity from quantum dots coupled to structured photonic reservoirs, Proc. SPIE 9546, Active Photonic Materials VII, 95461A (2015).

* J129. Nishan Mann, Alisa Javadi, P.D. Garcia, Peter Lodahl, Stephen Hughes, Theory and experiments of disorder-induced resonance shifts and mode edge broadening in deliberately disordered photonic crystal waveguides, e-print: arXiv:1505.02836 (2015), Phys. Rev. A 92, 023849 (2015).

* J128 S. Ali Hassani Gangaraj, Andrei Nemilentsau, George W. Hanson, Stephen Hughes, Transient and steady-state entanglement mediated by three-dimensional plasmonic waveguides, Optics Express 23, 22330-22346 (2015).

* J127. E. Illes, C. Roy, and S. Hughes, Spectral multiphoton effects and quantum anharmonicities in dissipative cavity-QED systems via off-resonant coherent excitation, Optica 8, 689 (2015).

* J126. Nishan Mann, M. Patterson, and S. Hughes, Role of Bloch mode reshaping and disorder correlation length on scattering losses in slow-light photonic crystal waveguides, Phys Rev B 91, 245151 (2015).

* J125. Gerasimos Angelatos and Stephen Hughes, Entanglement dynamics and Mollow nonuplets between two coupled quantum dots in a nanowire photonic-crystal system, e-print: arXiv:1411.4628 (2015), Phys Rev A Rapid Communications 91, 051803(R).

* J124. K. Roy-Choudhury and S. Hughes, Spontaneous emission from a quantum dot in a structured photonic reservoir: phonon-mediated breakdown of Fermi's golden rule, e-print: arXiv:1406.3649,Optica 2, 434 (2015).

* J123. K. Roy-Choudhury and S. Hughes, Theory of phonon-modified quantum dot photoluminescence intensity in structured photonic reservoirs, e-print: arXiv:1411.6050 , Optics Letters 40, 1838 (2015).

* J122. S. Hughes and H.J. Carmichael, Viewpoint: Crystal Vibrations Invert Quantum Dot Exciton, Physics 8, 29 (2015).

* J121. R. Ge, Jeff Young, and S. Hughes, Quasi-normal mode approach to the local-field problem in quantum optics, e-print: arXiv:1501.05859, Optica 2, 246 (2015).


* J120. Rong-Chun Ge, Philip Trost Kristensen, Jeff. F. Young, Stephen Hughes, Quasinormal mode approach to modelling light-emission and propagation in nanoplasmonics, e-print: arXiv:1312.2939 [quant-ph], New J. Phys 16, 113048 (2014).

* J119. Gerasimos Angelatos and Stephen Hughes Theory and design of quantum light sources from quantum dots embedded in semiconductor-nanowire photonic crystal systems, e-print: arXiv:1409.2534, Phys Rev B 90, 205406 (2014).

* J118. R. Ge and S. Hughes, Quasinormal mode theory and applications of light-matter interactions in nanoplasmonics, Proc. SPIE 9162, 916202 (2014).

* J117. Ebrahim Forati, George W. Hanson, Stephen Hughes, Graphene as a tunable THz reservoir for shaping the Mollow triplet of an artificial atom via plasmonic effects, e-print arXiv:1407.7075 (2014), Phys Rev B 90, 085414 (2014).

* J116. R. Ge and S. Hughes, Design of an efficient single photon source from a metallic nanorod dimer: a quasi-normal mode finite-difference time-domain approach, Optics Letters 39, 4235 (2014).

* J115. Philip Trost Kristensen and Stephen Hughes, Modes and Mode Volumes of Leaky Optical Cavities and Plasmonic Nanoresonators, ACS Photonics 1, 2-10 (2014), Perspective paper in the very first edition of ACS Photonics and also selected for the Cover Page,


* J114. Nishan Mann, Sylvian Combrie Pierre Colman, Mark Patterson, Alfredo De Rossi, and Stephen Hughes, Reducing disorder-induced losses for slow light photonic crystal waveguides through Bloch mode engineering Optics Letters 38, 4244 (2013).

* J113. S. Hughes and H. J. Carmichael, Phonon-mediated population inversion in a semiconductor quantum-dot cavity system, N. J. of Physics 15, 053039 (2013).

* J112. Rong-Chun Ge, C. Van Vlack, P. Yao, Jeff. F. Young, S. Hughes, Accessing quantum nanoplasmonics in a hybrid quantum-dot metal nanosystem: Mollow triplet of a quantum dot near a metal nanoparticle, Physical Review B 87, 205425 (2013).

* J111. Rong-Chun Ge, Ata Ulhaq, S. Weiler, A. Ulhaq, S. M. Ulrich, M. Jetter, P. Michler, and S. Hughes, Mollow quintuplets from coherently-excited quantum dots, Optics Letters 10, 1691 (2013)

* J110. Ata Ulhaq, Stefanie Weiler, C. Roy, Sven Marcus Ulrich, Michael Jetter, S. Hughes and Peter Michler, Detuning-Dependent Mollow Triplet of a Coherently-Driven Single Quantum Dot, Optics Express 21, 4382 (2013).


* J109. S. Weiler., A. Ulhaq, S. M. Ulrich, D. Richter, M. Jetter, P. Michler, C. Roy, and S. Hughes, Phonon-Assisted Incoherent Excitation of a Quantum Dot and its Emission Properties, Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications 86, 241304 (2012).

* J108. C. Van Vlack and S. Hughes, Finite-difference time-domain technique as an efficient tool for obtaining the regularized Green function: applications to the local field problem in quantum optics for inhomogeneous lossy materials, Optics Letters 37, 2880 (2012).

* J107. Zeinab Mohammadi, Cole P. Van Vlack, Stephen Hughes, Jens Bornemann, and Reuven Gordon, Vortex Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy for Near-Field Mapping of Magnetic Plasmons, Optics Express 20, 15024 (2012).

* J106. C. Roy, H. Kim, E. Waks, and S. Hughes, Anomalous phonon-mediated damping of a driven quantum dot embedded in a high-Q microcavity, Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications (Special Issue) (June, 2012)

*J105. Philip Kristensen, Cole Van Vlack, Stephen Hughes, Generalized mode volume for leaky optical cavities, Optics Letters 37, 1649 (2012).

*J104. Charles A. Foell, Ellen Schelew, Haijun Qiao, Keith A. Abel, Stephen Hughes, Frank C. J. M. van Veggel, and Jeff F. Young, Saturation Behaviour of Colloidal PbSe Quantum Dot Exciton Emission Coupled into Silicon Photonic Circuits, Optics Express 20, 10453 (2012)

*J103. C. Roy and S. Hughes, Polaron master equation theory of the quantum-dot Mollow triplet in a semiconductor cavity-QED system, Phys Rev B 85, 115309 (2012)

*J102 C. Van Vlack, P. T. Kristensen, and S. Hughes, Spontaneous Emission Spectra and Quantum Light-Matter Interactions from a Strongly-Coupled Quantum Dot Metal-Nanoparticle System, Phys. Rev. B 85, 0765303 (2012)

*J101. S. Hughes and C. Roy, Nonlinear photon transport in a semiconductor waveguide-cavity system containing a single quantum dot: Anharmonic cavity-QED regime, Phys. Rev. B 85, 035315 (2012)


*J100. C. Roy and S. Hughes, Influence of electron-acoustic phonon scattering on intensity power broadening in a coherently driven quantum-dot cavity system, e-print: arXiv:1109.6530, Phys. Rev. X 1, 021009 (2011)

*J99. S. Hughes and H. J. Carmichael, Stationary inversion of a two level system coupled to an off-resonant cavity with strong dissipation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 193601 (2011)

*J98. Benjamin Zaks, Dominik Stehr, Tuan-Anh Truong, Pierre M. Petroff, Stephen Hughes, Mark S. Sherwin, THz driven quantum wells: Coulomb interactions and Stark shifts in the ultrastrong coupling regime, New J. of Phys 13, 083009 (2011).

*J97. C. Roy and S. Hughes, Phonon-dressed Mollow triplet in the regime of cavity-QED: Excitation-induced dephasing and nonperturbative cavity feeding effects, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 247403 (2011).

*J96. C. Van Vlack, Peijun Yao, and S. Hughes, Optical forces between coupled plasmonic nanoparticles near metal surfaces and negative index material waveguides, Phys. Rev. B 83, 245404 (2011)

*J95. P. K. Pathak and S. Hughes, Coherent generation of time-bin entangled photon pairs using the biexciton cascade and cavity-assisted piecewise adiabatic passage Phys. Rev. B 83, 245301 (2011)

*J94. S. Hughes, P. Yao, F. Milde, A. Knorr, D. Dalacu, K. Mnaymneh, V. Sazonova, P. J. Poole, G. C. Aers, J. Lapointe, R. Cheriton, and R. L. Williams, Influence of electron-acoustic phonon scattering on off-resonant cavity feeding within a strongly coupled quantum-dot cavity system, Phys. Rev. B 83, 165313 (2011)

*J93. P. T. Kristensen, J. Mork, P. Lodahl, and S. Hughes, Decay dynamics of radiatively coupled quantum dots in photonic crystal slabs, Phys. Rev. B 83 075305 (2011)


*J92. S. Reitzenstein, C. Bockler, A. Loffler, S. Hofling, L. Worschech, A. Forchel, P. Yao, and S. Hughes, Polarization-dependent strong coupling in elliptical high-Q micropillar cavities, Phys. Rev. B 82, 235313 (2010).

*J91. M. Patterson and S. Hughes, Theory of disorder-induced multiple scattering and light localization in slow-light photonic crystal waveguides, Journal of Optics, Special Issue on Slow Light, J. Opt. 12, 104013 (2010)

*J90. P. K. Pathak and S. Hughes, Coherently-triggered single photons from a quantum-dot cavity system, Phys. Rev. B 82, 045308 (2010)

*J89. M. Patterson and S. Hughes, Interplay between disorder-induced scattering and local field effects in photonic crystal waveguides, Published in Phys. Rev. B 81 245321 (2010).

*J88. P. Yao, V.S.C. Manga Rao, and S. Hughes, On-chip single photon sources using planar photonic crystals and single quantum dots, Laser and Photonics Reviews 4, 499 (2010).

*J87. C. Kistner, K. Morgener, S. Reitzenstein, C. Schneider, S. Hofling, L. Worschech, A. Forchel, P. Yao, and S. Hughes, Strong coupling in a quantum dot micropillar system under electrical current injection, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 221102 (2010).

*J86. E. Illes and S. Hughes, Photon antibunching in strongly coupled exciton--semiconductor cavity systems: Role of off-resonant coupling to multiple excitons, Phys. Rev. B. (Rapid Communications), 81, 121310(R) (2010).

*J85. Peijun Yao, P. K. Pathak, E. Illes, S. Hughes, S. Munch, S. Reitzenstein, P. Franeck, A. Loffer, T. Heindel, S. Hofling, L. Worschech, and A. Forchel , Nonlinear photoluminescence spectra from a quantum-dot--cavity system: Interplay of pump-induced stimulated emission and anharmonic cavity QEDPhys. Rev B., 81, 033309 (2010).

*J84. T. Tawara, H. Kamada, T. Tanabe, T. Sogawa, H. Okamoto, P. Yao, P. K. Pathak, and S. Hughes, Cavity-QED assisted attraction between a cavity mode and an exciton mode in a planar photonic-crystal cavity, Published in Optics Express 18, 2719 (2010).


*J83. P. Yao, C. Van Vlack, A. Reza, M. Patterson, M.M. Dignam, and S. Hughes, Ultrahigh Purcell factors and Lamb shifts in slow light metamaterial waveguides, Phys. Rev. B 80, 195106 (2009) -- see also 0908.2774v1

*J82. M. Patterson, S. Hughes, S. Schulz, D. M. Beggs, T. P. White, L. O. Faolain, and T. F. Krauss, Disorder-induced incoherent scattering losses in photonic crystal waveguides: Bloch mode reshaping, multiple scattering, and breakdown of the Beer-Lambert lawPhys. Rev. B 80, 195305 (2009).

*J81. P. K. Pathak and S. Hughes, Cavity-assisted fast generation of entangled photon pairs through the biexciton-exciton cascade, Phys Rev B 80, 155525 (2009).

*J80. P. Yao and S. Hughes, Controlled cavity-QED and single photon emission using a photonic crystal waveguide-cavity system, Phys. Rev. B 80, 165128 (2009).

*J79. M. Patterson, S. Hughes, D. Dalacu, and R.L. Williams, Broadband Purcell factor enhancements in photonic-crystal ridge waveguidesPhys. Rev. B 80, 125307 (2009).

*J78. P. K. Pathak and S. Hughes, Comment on "Entanglement on demand through time reordering"Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 048901 (2009).

*J77. M. Patterson, S. Hughes, S. Combie, N.-V. Quynh Tran, A. De Rossi, R. Gabet and Y. Jaouen, Disorder-induced coherent scattering in slow-light photonic crystal waveguides, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 253903 (2009) [arXiv:0906.0464v1]

*J76. Yao, P.; Pathak, P.; Mango Rao, V. S. C.; Hughes, Theory and design of chip-based quantum light sources using planar photonic crystals, SPIE, Vol. 7211, 721108B (2009).

*J75. P. Yao and S. Hughes, Macroscopic entanglement and violation of Bell's inequalities between two spatially separated quantum-dot excitons in a planar photonic crystal systemOptics Express 17, 11505 (2009).

*J74. P. K. Pathak and S. Hughes, Generation of entangled-photon pairs from a single quantum dot embedded in a planar photonic crystal cavityPhys. Rev. B79, 205416, (2009) [ arXiv:0812.2474]

*J73. T. Tawara, H. Kamada, S. Hughes, H. Okamoto, M. Notomi, and T. Sogawa, Cavity mode emission in weakly coupled quantum dot - cavity systemsOptics Express 17, 6643 (2009).

*J72. L. Ramunno and S. Hughes, Disorder-induced resonance shifts in high-index-contrast photonic crystal cavities, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 79, 161303(R) (2009)

*J71. S. Hughes and P. Yao, Theory of quantum light emission from a strongly-coupled single quantum dot photonic-crystal cavity systemOptics Express 17, 3322 (2009).


*J70. A. Reza, M.M. Dignam, and S. Hughes, Can light be stopped in realistic metamaterials?Nature (Communication Arising), 23, 10 (2008)

*J69. D.P. Fussell, S. Hughes, and M.M. Dignam, Influence of fabrication disorder on the optical properties of coupled-cavity photonic crystal waveguidesPhys. Rev. B 78, 144201(2008)

*J68. F. Milde, A. Knorr, and S. Hughes, Role of electron-phonon scattering on the vacuum Rabi splitting of a single-quantum dot and a photonic-crystal-nanocavityPhys. Rev. B 78, 035330 (2008).

*J67. V.S.C. Manga Rao and S. Hughes, Numerical study of exact Purcell factors in finite-size planar photonic crystal waveguidesOpt. Lett.33, 1587 (2008).


*J66. V.S.C. Manga Rao and S. Hughes, Single quantum dot spontaneous emission in a finite-size photonic crystal waveguide: Proposal for an efficient "on chip" single photon gunPhys. Rev. Lett. 99, 193901 (2007)

*J65. S. Hughes, Coupled cavity QED using planar photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 083606 (2007)

*J64. C. Van Vlack and S. Hughes, Carrier-envelope-offset phase control of ultrafast optical rectification in resonantly excited semiconductorsPhys. Rev. Lett. 98, 167404 (2007)

*J63. V.S.C. Manga Rao and S. Hughes, Single quantum-dot Purcell factor and beta factor in a photonic crystal waveguidePhys. Rev. B 75, 205437 (2007)

*J62. C. Van Vlack and S. Hughes, Third-harmonic generation in disguise of second-harmonic generation revisited: Role of carrier-envelope phase and dielectric mismatchOpt. Lett. 32, 187 (2007)

*J61. V.S.C. Manga Rao and S. Hughes, Single quantum dots for slow and fast light control in a planar photonic crystalOpt. Lett. 32, 304 (2007)

Older Publications (pre 2007)