About the McLean Research Group - Nanophysics
The McLean Research Group - Nanophysics use scanning probe microscopy to study, and also modify, the properties of matter at the atomic scale.

Image left. A resonator made by Fabian Queck and Alastair McLean from 11 Cu atoms. The vertical line on the left of the image contains 5 Cu atoms and the vertical line on the right contains 6. The resonator sits on a Cu(111) surface where electrons move freely. The faint lines between the Cu atoms are electron standing waves created by electron reflection off the resonator and wave-like electron interference. This atomic-scale structure was made during a visit to Jascha Repp's research group at the University of Regensburg, Germany.

Ir(ppy)3 on Cu(111). See 'Interface dipoles of Ir(ppy)3 on Cu(111)' in research Highlights.