![[Line drawing of a crate of produce]](/social-impact/sites/sdgwww/files/img/statistic/SDG2%20-%20vegetables.png)
Our goals in action
Research and innovation
Fixing fertilizer
Queen’s researcher George diCenzo is co-leading a $6 million research project that aims to lower agricultural greenhouse gas emissions by focusing on improving the agriculture sector’s foundational ingredient – soil. By isolating microbes from Canadian soils, the team will generate new microbial inoculants as an alternative to chemical fertilizers.
Teaching and student life
Eliminating hunger on campus
The goal of eliminating hunger begins on our campuses, where we have implemented several programs that support students who may be experiencing food insecurity.
The Food Insecurity Advisory Committee was formed by the Provost's Office to monitor current practices and trends and provide recommendations for responses to food insecurity at Queen's. The office also supports the Student Food Collective Coordinator who leads the Student Food Collective, supporting student-led organizations on campus that work to address food insecurity holistically. In 2023, the committee released a progress update reflecting the efforts of these groups in addressing food insecurity at Queen's.
Swipe It Forward gives students participating in the university meal plan the option to donate one meal per day (up to five per semester) to a peer in need. Eligible students can anonymously redeem up to 25 meals per term at Queen’s dining halls. During the 2023 academic year, more than 6,100 meals were utilized by students in need.
In 2022, Queen's opened the Providing Equal Access, Changing Hunger (PEACH) Market to combat food insecurity and support food recovery by providing students, staff, and faculty with access to healthy food. Untouched food is rescued from across Queen's Hospitality Services' locations and packaged daily for sale at a self-selecting, sliding scale model, or an open rate to allow customers to voluntarily pay whatever they are able. From May 2023 to April 2024, more than 6,000 meals were served.
The AMS Food Bank provides members of the Queen’s community a confidential and non-judgmental food service, ensuring that students can stay healthy as they pursue academic achievements.
Community impact
Between May 2023 and April 2024, Queen’s Hospitality Services, through campus partners, including Queen’s Soul Food and Loving Spoonful, donated 42,068 lbs of food to community partners, including Kingston Food Bank – Partners in Mission.
Eliminating hunger in our community
Queen’s and its students are committed to reducing hunger in the Kingston community. Soul Food is a student-run organization that delivers unconsumed food from Queen's campus cafeterias to various local shelters throughout Kingston every night to alleviate food insecurity, increase awareness within the community, and promote responsible food practices.
Supporting local farmers and food producers
The Phytotron at Queen’s University supports facilities accessible to local farmers and food producers interested in collaborative research to support crop and plant stock development for regional growth. Additionally, the Phytotron collaborates with the international Association of Vertical Farming (AVF) and provides mentorship to the student-led Queen’s Vertical Farming Team (QVFT).
In 2022, Queen's Hospitality Services and Aramark, the university's food services provider, partnered with a local registered commercial beekeeper to set up a bee farm near Richardson Stadium. The ten hives produced 1,844 lbs of honey in 2023 which was harvested and used across Queen's food operations, benefiting our campus community while supporting sustainability.
The Queen’s Vertical Farming Team, which is the first post-secondary design team of its kind in Canada, is developing a functional, software-automated aeroponic vertical farm in Kingston.
Global reach
Queen's offers a wide range of courses related to food where students can study its production and impact in society around the world. From plant biotechnology, to nutrition, sustainable food systems, and the history of food, students have the opportunity to learn and research the technological, social, economic, and political factors that encompass food globally.
To help reduce global overfishing, Queen's Hospitality Services sources all seafood served at campus dining locations from suppliers with sustainable practices. Aramark, our food services provider, will only procure seafood that has been certified by a recognized third-party sustainable seafood certifier, such as Ocean Wise and the Marine Stewardship Council.
Queen's Art of Research Submission: Hidden Fruit of the Mata Atlântica by Sean Vanderluit, MSc Student (Biology), Núcleo Santa Virginia, Parque Estadual Serra do Mar, São Paulo, Brazil
Administration and operations
Since 2019, Queen's has provided weekly food scrap donations to a local pig farmer. With the goal of donating 300 lbs per week, Queen's has helped to divert 29,089 lbs of scraps from landfill to support local producers.
Reducing food waste
Reducing food waste is an important aspect of food security. Moving forward, diners at Queen's dining halls will no longer use trays when collecting their meals. This small action will have a huge impact, expecting to reduce up to 25% of food waste and conserve water and energy from washing processes.
Queen’s is a Fair Trade Campus with sustainable and ethical food choices
Our community has access to sustainable and ethical food choices on campus. All our hospitality-run locations prioritize ethical sourcing and are mandated to include Fair Trade options as a designated Fair Trade Campus.
To help the Queen's community make climate-friendly food choices, Queen's launched Cool Food Meals in 2022. Our recipes are analyzed by the World Resources Institute, a global research organization, for their greenhouse gas emissions. Meals that meet a minimum threshold of nutritional quality and have at least 38% lower carbon emissions than the average meal are indicated with the Low Carbon Certified icon at campus food outlets.