Academic Calendar 2023-2024

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GPHY 347 Multivariate and Spatial Statistics

GPHY 347  Multivariate and Spatial Statistics  Units: 3.00  

This course offers an introduction to the theory and application of multivariate statistics to geographical data. Topics include regression and correlation analysis, ANOVA, spatial autocorrelation and other spatial statistics as well as geostatistical operations in GIS software.

Learning Hours: 120 (24 Lecture, 24 Practicum, 24 Online Activity, 24 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (3.0 units from ECON 250/3.0; GPHY 247/3.0; KNPE 251/3.0; POLS 285/3.0; POLS 385/3.0*; PSYC 202/3.0; SOCY 211/3.0; STAM 200/3.0; STAT 263/3.0) or permission of the Department.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science