JOHN WILLIAM GEYSSEN, BA’85, MA’87, died June 4 in Fredericton, NB. Survived by his wife, Margaret, and children Sean and Rebecca. After receiving his PhD from Duke University, NC, in 1992, John began teaching Classics at UNB. Popular with students both inside and outside the classroom, he received the Faculty of Arts Teaching Award in 2000 and the UNB Student Union Teaching Excellence Merit Award in 2008. Perhaps his greatest benefit to the Department was his long-standing service, sympathetic and adroit, as undergraduate advisor. His lectures were a draw both in large first-year courses and in advanced-level and graduate seminars. He was an intimate part of the Department’s pioneering overseas study programs in Italy and Greece. He was also the co-editor of the scholarly journal Mouseion. A devoted husband and father, John’s interests outside family and the classroom included travel, sports (especially his Duke Blue Devils basketball team and the Philadelphia Eagles), spending time with friends, fine wine, food and art, and enjoying his vast music and literature collections.

John William Geyssen

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