Key Contacts:
Dial 911 for life-threatening emergency response (Police, Fire and Rescue, Ambulance)
Dial 613-533-6111 for on campus emergency response
Dial 613-533-6080 For non-emergencies (Safe Walk, Lone Worker, etc)
Dial 613-533-6733 for general information
In a campus-wide emergency situation, please check queensu.ca and follow @queensu for up-to-date information.
Queen's University Campus Security and Emergency Services promotes a safe and welcoming environment that recognizes and is respectful of the diverse nature of the Queen's University Community.
The department respects requests for confidentiality; however please note that we have an obligation to respond to situations that may threaten the safety of community members.
The responsibility for security is shared by every member of the Queen's community.
This website is designed to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your personal security.
It also provides information to faculties, departments, and units so that they may select and implement appropriate security measures to safeguard their facilities, staff, and students.