Waste Disposal

Important changes were made to hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal in laboratories. For changes please see attached Laboratory Waste Disposal Update (PDF, 1MB).  Change to note is that laboratory glass will no longer be picked up by custodial services and must be submitted as hazardous waste.  Please direct any questions to Tom Martinek at EH&S. 

Research Equipment/Furniture Decommissioning

Any research equipment and furniture that may have been in contact with or may contain chemical, biohazardous or radioactive substances, must be decommissioned by Environmental Heath & Safety prior to disposal. Queen's University must ensure that all environmental hazards are removed in order to comply with existing regulations and to prevent any spread of contaminants into the environment.

There is no cost to individual departments, but a few simple procedures must be followed.

Decommissioning Steps:

1. Prepare a list of all items

  • identify the item
  • the make, model and serial number of each item is required
  • include location of item(s)

2. Assist with the decommissioning

  • Equipment that was used for radioactive materials must be swiped and a copy of the swipe records attached to equipment. Original copy of swipe records must be kept with laboratory radioactive records.
  • Equipment used in a biohazard laboratory must be thoroughly decontaminated using the appropriate disinfectant.
  • assemble all equipment in one place (if possible)
  • supply operators manual etc. for equipment (if available)
  • provide a contact name of the user/operator (if known)

3. Fill out and submit the Decommissioning Request Form

Access the Decommissioning Request Form. Please download the PDF, complete it and email it to safety@queensu.ca. Once a Decommissioning Request Form has been submitted a safety technician will then decommission the equipment and you may make the arrangements for final disposal. For further information  email safety@queensu.ca

4. Arrange for final disposal

Once the safety technician decommissions the furniture/equipment the item is ready for disposal. Disposal arrangements for unwanted items can be made by filling out the appropriate Physical Plant Services form. Please note that there are separate forms for electronic waste pick ups and furniture pick ups. PPS no longer accepts phone calls, emails or faxed requests for furniture and ewaste pick ups. Purtell schedules these pick ups weekly on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

NOTE: There will be no pickup unless Environmental Health and Safety decommissions all items bound for disposal

Laboratory Closeout Procedure

  • Download the Laboratory Decommissioning Procedures Checklist (PDF 21.6 KB)
  • Perform the steps that apply to your laboratory
  • Sign the form and have the Department Head review and sign
  • Send the completed form to the Department of Environmental Health and Safety
  • Environmental Health and Safety will inspect the laboratory to ensure that all conditions of this policy have been met.
  • The completed approved form will be returned to the Department Head. Renovations may not begin, nor a new researcher take possession of the laboratory until the closeout has been approved by the Department of Environmental Health and Safety

Hazardous Waste Disposal"Drawing of a trash can"

The Queen's policy statement on Environmental Management outlines the University's commitment to the protection of the environment through the implementation of an effective Environmental Management Program. An important aspect of this program is the proper handling, storage, and disposal of all hazardous chemicals generated on campus.

Hazardous Waste Disposal Procedures

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Waste Classification Profile

Please contact Tom Martinek If you are disposing of a mixture of chemicals in a 20 litre container or greater to obtain a copy of the Chemical Classification Profile form. You will need to complete the form and submit it to Environmental Health and Safety.  Please note that you will need to request a new form if the composition of the mixture changes in subsequent shipments. The form is not required for solvent waste in red 20 litre containers.

Waste Pickup Schedule

All Hazardous Waste Pickups (chemical, solvent, biohazard, radioactive and empty containers) take place Tuesday & Wednesday of each week. 

Schedule: Please ensure waste requests are submitted no later than Monday 1:00 PM the week of the pickup.

Waste Disposal Forms

Please use the link below to be directed to the Waste Disposal Form.  For Radioactive waste disposal email: jamie.coad@queensu.ca and tom.martinek@queensu.ca for specific instructions. 

  • Waste Disposal Form ***Use this link to submit the Waste Disposal Form.  

  • For a large amount of chemicals, or a mix of waste types (i.e. biological, chemical, empty etc.) fill out the excel sheet below and upload it in section 11 of the Waste Disposal form listed directly above. 
    • Chemical Waste Disposal Excel Sheet (XLSX 16.4 KB) - (for bulk disposal submissions, download this excel sheet, fill it out and upload it on the Chemical Waste form listed directly above) **Please DO NOT merge cells in the Excel Sheet

For specific waste disposal information and assistance contact Tom Martinek at ext. 74976 or email tom.martinek@queensu.ca