Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "PHIL 407"

PHIL 407  Walls to Bridges - Philosophical Issues  Units: 3.00  
This is an experimental learning course based on the Wall to Bridges model, which brings together students from Queen's University ('outside students') with students from a local federal prison ('inside students') to learn and share knowledge based on their lived experience and critical analysis of academic scholarship. Topics may vary.
NOTE This course takes place off campus at a local federal prison, as part of the Walls to Bridges prison education program - http://wallsto
Requirements: Prerequisite {(Level 4 or above and PHIL 250/6.0 or [PHIL 251/3.0 and PHIL 252/3.0] and [PHIL 242/3.0 and PHIL 243/3.0] or PHIL 257/6.0 and [a minimum CGPA of 2.40] or [a minimum GPA of 2.70 in all 300-level PHIL]) and ([registration in a PHIL Major Plan and 9.0 units of PHIL at the 300-level] or [registration in a PHIL Joint Honours Plan and 6.0 units of PHIL at the 300-level])}. Exclusion SOCY 407/3.0. Note Interested students (both inside and outside) will need to submit an expression of interest followed by an interview with the course instructor. Students register for the course with instructor permission.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science