Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "SURP 893"

SURP 893  Internship  Units: 0.00  
This non-credit course allows students to combine their formal academic studies with on-the-job experience, normally through a four-month placement with a government department or other organization. The internship is scheduled following a student's completion of at least two terms of academic study and is open only to students registered in the M.PL. full-time program.
Requirements: Gphy & Surp students  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Urban and Regional Planning
The School of Urban and Regional Planning is part of the Department of Geography and Planning. Located in Mackintosh-Corry Hall, the School of Urban and Regional Planning is close to the Stauffer Library, the John Deutsch University Centre, and the recreation facilities of the Athletics and Recreation Centre. Adjacent departments include Policy Studies, Industrial Relations, Economics, Sociology, Global Development Studies and Political Studies, as well as the Faculties of Business and Law.