Chris Carlton
Chris consistently check in's with students and makes everyone feel extremely welcome. Personally, he has shown me a lot of care and has put effort into recognizing me as more than just a student. Chris takes a deep interest in the development of his students, and tries to involve us in initiatives outside the class. When in his class it's hard to not be in a great mood because of the infectious energy he brings. He also mixes up our groups every class, so that people get a chance to interact with others, preventing anyone from being isolated. His impact on me is that he has inspired me in both my career, and as a person to try and do what he does. He's a support that I know will always be there if I reach out in need of help. Thank you Chris!
Anonymous Student
Mental health is one of the significant pillars of life, along side that of physical, spiritual and social health. Taking care of our mental well-being is paramount to ensuring that you can be the best version of yourself for yourself and for others.
In our classes, we often talk about the importance of mental health for ourselves as teachers and our students we interact with. The more we talk about mental health the more we normalize the conversation which allows others to safely join this important discussion and sharing process. Teachers shouldn't focus solely on curriculum but also be attentative to their students as whole individuals and their overall wellbeing. Mental health awareness needs to be a daily practice for all of us, both for our selves and those we surround ourselves with. It's an important part of building community and compassion.
--- Chris Carlton