Dr. Yolande Bouka
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Studies
Professor Bouka consistently reaches out to me to inquire about my well-being, not merely out of duty as a supervisor, but with a sincere concern for my mental health and overall wellness. Her genuine interest in my welfare is a rare quality. During my previous studies, my supervisors barely expressed an interest in my wellbeing beyond my academic performance, making my experience with Professor Bouka extraordinary. By sharing her own experiences as a PhD student and her personal struggles, she has provided me with encouragement and understanding, greatly contributing to my resilience. Additionally, Professor Bouka has shown a genuine interest in understanding the challenges I face and is always prepared to offer support and guidance.
Professor Bouka constantly reminds me to prioritize self-care alongside academics. Her encouragement to take breaks, exercise, and pursue hobbies equips me to manage the stress of graduate studies. Beyond offering practical advice, she consistently expresses unwavering faith in my ability to succeed. Sometimes it feels as though she sees something in me that I don’t see yet which makes me feel very supported and special.
I've had the privilege of experiencing Professor Bouka's guidance both as a supervisor and as an instructor during the recent winter term course I enrolled in. As an instructor, Professor Bouka fosters a supportive learning environment. She understands the demands on students and offers flexible deadlines to accommodate the many commitments graduate students have to grapple with. In class, she creates a safe space for student interaction and demonstrates genuine concern for everyone's well-being. Professor Bouka's commitment extends beyond academics; she has been very supportive in recommending people and opportunities that have contributed to my overall well-being and mental health.
Anonymous Student
Mental health is an integral part of one's overall well-being. Emotional, psychological, and social welfare impact our physical health and ability to learn, retain, and analyze in a generative way. Mental health is health.
The most important way to support mental health is to take students' needs seriously. We are living in a moment of polycrisis in a rapidly changing world. This means that our approaches to teaching must adapt to our students' realities, particularly those who are the most vulnerable. I try to design assignments with flexibility in mind. I remind my students that their grades are not a reflection of their worth. I try to offer the same compassion I would like to receive.
--- Dr. Yolande Bouka