Teacher candidates develop science lessons for local schools
April 25, 2013

Teacher candidates in Queen’s Bachelor of Education Program had an opportunity recently to learn from each other’s teaching styles as they delivered new science lessons at local schools.
Suzie Ingram (ConEd’13) and Dayna Shoot (ConEd’13), along with 70 other education students, recently developed and delivered science lessons in teams of three or four at 12 local schools. The team teaching model not only allowed the students to learn what it’s like to be an occasional teacher; it also provided the opportunity to learn from how their peers develop and deliver lessons.
“It was beneficial to take someone else’s lesson and their vision of how to pass on an idea or do an activity,” says Ms. Shoot. “I wouldn’t have developed the lesson that way, so it really taught me something about other’s ideas and styles. It was also interesting for classroom management, to see how your management style works in a classroom where you don’t know the class rules. Just like an occasional teacher would.”
Local teachers also benefited from having teacher candidates in their classrooms. Ann Botros, the teacher at Rideau Public School who hosted Ms. Ingram and Ms. Shoot, has hosted many teacher candidates over the years and was excited to have them return to her classroom.
“Having new faces and voices at the front of the room immediately captured my students' interest and engaged them right from the first words spoken,” says Ms. Botros. “The students in my Grade 4 and 5 French immersion class enjoyed the opportunity to share with the teacher candidates what they'd already learned in class while at the same time acquiring new knowledge through their lessons.”
Read the full story about Suzie Ingram and Dayna Shoot’s experience in Ms. Botros’ classroom on the Faculty of Education’s news page.