Teri Shearer reappointed as Deputy Provost (Academic Operations and Inclusion)

Teri Shearer reappointed as Deputy Provost (Academic Operations and Inclusion)

December 7, 2020


Dr. Teri Shearer
Teri Shearer has been reappointed as Deputy Provost (Academic Operations and Inclusion) effective Jan. 1, 2021. 

Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Mark Green has announced the reappointment of Teri Shearer in her role as Deputy Provost (Academic Operations and Inclusion) effective Jan. 1, 2021. Since her initial appointment to this position in January 2016, Dr. Shearer has worked tirelessly to improve many aspects of the Queen’s community.

“I am grateful for Teri’s many contributions to the portfolio and the University,” says Provost Green. “Her ongoing commitment to advancing Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization (EDII) and leadership on academic operations, budget, and planning have been instrumental in managing through the challenges of our current environment. During the reappointment process, I was incredibly impressed by the glowing support for her renewal from a range of deans, other vice-principals, and other colleagues. Teri is clearly held in great esteem by all her colleagues and I am extremely pleased to have the opportunity of continuing to work with her.”

Dr. Shearer is well-regarded for her collaborative leadership style and has worked to strengthen and support units in her portfolio, including the Office of Planning and Budget and the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, as well as the Human Rights and Equity Office and the Office of Indigenous Initiatives, which she oversees in collaboration with Principal and Vice-Chancellor Patrick Deane. In 2019, Dr. Shearer stepped in to serve as Interim Dean of the Smith School of Business to support the school during a leadership transition.

Throughout her time as Deputy Provost (Academic Operations and Inclusion), Dr. Shearer has played a central role in helping the university respond to many complex challenges, including the 2019 provincial tuition cuts, the development of a fall term break, and implementing new initiatives to create a more welcoming and inclusive campus community.

Dr. Shearer has led several initiatives to support the university’s commitment to advancing EDII, including spearheading the establishment of the Yellow House as a centre for QTBIPOC (Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) students and equity-promoting student clubs; launching the University Council on Anti-Racism and Equity (UCARE); as well as championing the roll-out of employment equity hiring practices for all staff hiring. Dr. Shearer has made it a priority to meet and engage with students, staff, and faculty to discuss matters of inclusivity on campus, listening to the experiences of Queen’s community members from diverse backgrounds.

As Deputy Provost, Dr. Shearer works closely with the senior leadership team at Queen’s to advance the academic, operational, and budgetary goals of the university. She oversees academic appointments, directs the Office of Planning and Budgeting, and has chaired several senior university committees, including the Senate Committee for Academic Development, the Fall Term Break Task Force, and the Undergraduate Orientation Review working group.

“It’s been interesting work and it has been fulfilling work, and I expect that will continue,” Dr. Shearer says. “The role is dynamic, and it changes over time. I expect that, over the next five years, I'll have many new challenges and I'm looking forward to it.”

Prior to Dr. Shearer’s role as Deputy Provost (Academic Operations and Inclusion), she was the Associate Dean of Faculty and an Associate Professor at Smith School of Business. Dr. Shearer joined Queen’s in 1996 following the completion of her Ph.D. at the University of Iowa, where her research interests focused on the social and behavioural consequences of accounting practices. Dr. Shearer has been published in multiple top journals in her field.

Dr. Shearer has proven to be an active leader during her time at Queen’s. In addition to her administrative role at Smith School of Business, she served as Chair of the school’s Faculty Board and Chair of the Academic Appeals Committee (2008-2012), represented the Smith School of Business on Senate, was past Chair of both the Senate Budget Review Committee and the Senate Committee on Academic Procedures, as well as participating on numerous other committees.