Undergrad spotlight

Undergraduate student, Logan Clancy, has recently received a grant from a local organization known as the Friends of Frontenac Provincial Park, to support Logan in creating a geologic map of Frontenac Provincial Park as part of her honours thesis.

In Logan’s words:

"The project I will be completing allows me to adventure through Frontenac Provincial Park and admire its beauty, rich geological history, and complexity, all while doing research which will contribute to my honours research project. 

I will hopefully begin mapping excursions after July 1st and continue through summer and fall 2022. 

After field mapping, I will digitize the data and maps using digital mapping software provided by Queen's. 

The brochure will detail the geological history of the park while being understandable for park visitors that aren't Geologists. There will also be a QR code in the brochure that can take visitors to a website hosted by Queen’s University which will provide more detailed information and sources of further reading not included in the brochure, including geochemical and microscopic analysis to fully characterize the rock units in the park. 

The specificity of my thesis project remains to be determined but I am hoping to utilize the findings from Frontenac Park, greatly."

As part of the agreement to the grant, Logan will deliver a 30-minute oral presentation at the AGM for the Friends of Frontenac Park Board of Directors, in late February 2023.

Congratulations to Logan on receiving the grant, and for undertaking a project that will bring the intricate geological history of Frontenac park to the local community!

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