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The Spanish Inquisition, 1450-1800: Sexuality, Sin, and Spiritual Beliefs

The Spanish Inquisition, 1450-1800: Sexuality, Sin, and Spiritual Beliefs
1683 painting by Francisco Rizi depicting the auto-da-fé held in Plaza Mayor, Madrid in 1680. Wikimedia Commons.

Between 1492 and 1800, Inquisition tribunals in Spain and Latin America targeted converted Jews, Muslims, Protestants, and Old Christians for major and minor crimes against the Catholic faith. A parallel institution, the Extirpation of Idolatries launched campaigns against the indigenous people of Peru and Mexico. This year-long course involves examining Inquisition trials and other primary sources to understand Catholic orthodoxy and unorthodoxy, and popular understandings of gender and sexuality, the ineffable, holiness, healing, prayer, sorcery, and mysticism. Throughout the year students will develop analytical, research and writing skills by composing a 20-page research paper related to the theme of the course. Step by step, we will learn how to identify a viable source, create an annotated bibliography and outline, craft a working draft, and hone a polished version of the paper.

Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


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