WE-CAN Wrap Up Celebration!

Join other women entrepreneurs in the WE-CAN community to celebrate the wrap-up of the WE-CAN Project

Mastering Your Money Mindset Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs

Participants will also be guided through an exploratory exercise to help uncover hidden blocks that may be sabotaging their money mindset efforts

Baby in the Boardroom: Pitching & Presenting with Kids

Join other women entrepreneurs in the WE-CAN community to learn about the fine art of mixing babies and business

Virtual Cafe for Women Entrepreneurs: What's Next for the WE-CAN Project

Join other women entrepreneurs in the WE-CAN community to learn about the program's next steps

Think Like Your Customer: Applying Human Centred Design to Your Business

Learn how to think like your customer by applying the principles of Human Centred Design with Executive Coach + Consultant Melanie Lang.

Content Marketing for Women Entrepreneurs

Do you struggle to create engaging and inspiring content for your business's social media? Heck, do you struggle to make any type of content?

Virtual Cafe for Women Entrepreneurs: Ask + Give Session

Join the WE-CAN community of entrepreneurs for a festive "Ask + Give" session where we ask for what we want and share what we have to give!

Virtual Cafe for Women Entrepreneurs: Let's Talk Goal Setting!

Join other women entrepreneurs in the WE-CAN community to share goal setting ideas.

How to Sell Goods & Services to the Federal Government

Join the WE-CAN community of women entrepreneurs to learn how your small business can sell goods and services to the Federal Government.

Unstoppable You Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs

Join the WE-CAN community along with Executive Coach Karen Aydt to uncover the superpower that can make YOU unstoppable in your business.

Selling to Government - The Innovative Solutions Canada Program - A Virtual Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs

If you're a woman entrepreneur who's been wondering how to sell your innovation to the federal government, this workshop is for you.

Virtual Cafe for Women Entrepreneurs: Let's Talk about Risk-Taking

Join the WE-CAN community of women entrepreneurs to discuss the pros and cons of risk-taking and a discussion on strategies for success.