Queen's Email Accounts
Queen's Email Accounts
Retirees continue to have email service but are required to log into the Queen’s Identity Platform (https://NetID.queensu.ca) once a year in order to keep the service active. Any retiree who still uses their Queen's email will be sent three emails to remind them to log in before the expiry date.
If you are a Queen’s retiree and not able to access email service, please get in touch with the ITS Help Desk (613-533-6666). They will verify that you are designated as a retiree in the HR system. If you are not designated as such, they will direct you to Queen’s Pension and Staff Benefits who will assist you in correcting the problem.
Agnes Etherington Art Centre
All retired faculty and staff are welcome to visit the Agnes Etherington Art Centre (agnes.queensu.ca), Canada’s premier university art gallery. It presents around fifteen exhibitions annually, and also offers a host of lectures, tours, film screenings, artists’ talks and other public programs. There is a reduced admission rate for those 55 and over. Gallery Association members are admitted free, and the annual membership fee is reduced for those 60 and over. All public spaces are wheelchair accessible, and a wheelchair is available for visitor use.
Alumni Review
All retired faculty and staff are entitled to receive the Queen’s Alumni Review free of charge (by mail). A subscription form is included in the retirement package distributed by the Pension and Benefits Office. The Queen’s Alumni Review is also available online at www.queensu.ca/alumnireview
Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC)
A preferred membership rate to the Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC) is available to retired Queen’s faculty and staff who wish to use the athletic facilities at Queen’s. This includes full access to fitness zones, pool, gym, racquet courts, all casual recreation activities and select fitness and wellness programs. Fitness classes as well as locker and laundry services are available for an additional fee. For full details about membership and classes offered at the ARC visit www.gogaelsgo.com/membership
Drama Department
Retired faculty and staff are invited to attend all Department of Drama productions. There is a senior’s ticket rate for major productions and retirees are entitled to this rate regardless of age.
The Isabel
Discounts are offered to seniors (+55) and to all Queen's retirees. There also are group discounts. Early mailing of performing arts announcements giving details in advance of programs and social receptions for artists is available to all retirees who request this service. Please contact The Isabel at 613-533-2424 for more information. The box office at 390 King Street W. is open Monday to Friday, 12:30pm - 4:30pm.
Principal's Office
Invitations are mailed annually to all retirees within the Kingston area for the Principal's December Holiday Reception and Staff Awards presentations and for the Spring BBQ.
Queen's Journal
The Queen's Journal is published twice weekly September to November and January to April; once a week in November; usually not in December; and once a month May, June and July. Copies are available from many campus locations. Copies are also available on-line via queensjournal.ca. Subscriptions (by mail) are available at the rate of $110.00 a year. Contact the Queen's Journal Office at 190 University Avenue or 613-533-6711 for more information.
Queen's Library System
Retired staff and faculty are welcome to visit any of the library facilities and make use of the resources and services available
Queen's News
Retired faculty and staff can stay in touch with news and developments at the University by visiting the Queen's News Centre website. At this site, members can subscribe to a number of electronic services that can keep them informed about developments at Queen's via e-mail. Subscriptions to these services are free.
Queen's Quarterly
Queen’s Quarterly is pleased to offer a one-time complimentary subscription (4 issues) to interested retirees who provide a campus mail address. Those who wish home delivery are offered a one-time special rate of $10, after which regular rates will apply. For more information please contact: Queen's Quarterly Office, 144 Barrie Street, 613-533-2667 or visit their website at:www.queensu.ca/quarterly