
Upcoming RAQ Events

Join fellow RAQ members and others at one of our upcoming presentations and conversations.  These popular events address diverse topics and are led by experts in the field.  For more information on how to attend the following events, consult the RAQ website at:



RAQ Guest Lunch Series

March 17, 2020 

Dr. Lonnie Aarssen, Department of Biology: “Why so much anxiety, despair, and suicide—and how might we manage it?  An evolutionary perspective.”


April 23, 2020

Dr. Lisa Carver, School of Kinesiology and Health Studies:  “Keeping Fido:  The human animal bond and older adult well-being.” 


May 25, 2020

Dr. Stephen Archer, Head, Department of Medicine:  “The mighty mitochondrion—watch them move and learn that they are much more than the power house of the cell.”


Other Scheduled Events

Grab and Go!  RAQ-Student Interaction Events

In collaboration with the Chaplaincy, one a month volunteers from the Retirees’ Association prepare and distribute hearty snacks for students  with the message, “Have a healthy snack and get your energy back.”  In the next section on  Past Activities, you will see that these events  were held in January and February and a third one is scheduled for March 25th, 2020.