Academic Calendar 2023-2024

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MUTH 320 Song Interpretation

MUTH 320  Song Interpretation  Units: 3.00  

Preparation and examination of selected Lieder, music theatre, and/or opera aria repertoire in duo form for singers and pianists. Aspects of interpretation and execution of each performance will be discussed by instructors, with additional input from class participants.
NOTE A previous course in keyboard accompaniment or fluency in sight-reading is highly recommended for pianists taking this course.

Learning Hours: 108 (36 Group Learning, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Level 3 or above and (MUSC 121/6.0 or MUSC 124/6.0 or MUTH 210/3.0).  
Course Equivalencies: MUTH 320, 320 A/B  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Drama and Music

...take MUTH 110 , MUTH 111 , MUTH 201 , MUTH...120 , MUSC 220 , MUSC 320 , MUSC 420 , or...