Academic Calendar 2023-2024

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REPD 473 Developmental Origins of Health And Disease

REPD 473  Developmental Origins of Health And Disease  Units: 3.00  

REPD 473, Development Origins of Health and Disease, will cover how the early-life environment contributes to later-life health. Four major topics will be covered: maternal exposures, maternal nutrition, infection, and pregnancy complications. Students will learn about how alterations in the embryonic and fetal environment due to these four parameters can and do contribute to the development of non-communicable diseases that persist throughout life. Students will have the opportunity to explore and consolidate the academic literature pertaining to DOHaD, as well as investigating the resources available to these populations of patients.

Requirements: Minimum 4th year (Level 4) standing and one of (PHAR 230/3.0; PHAR 370/3.0; PHAR 340/3.0; PHAR 380/3.0) and REPD 372/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences