Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Geological Engineering: Technical Electives

This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 calendar. To access the most recent version of the calendar, please visit

All courses on this list can be counted as Technical Elective unless they have already been taken as core. Some of these elective courses may not be available to all students due to prerequisite course requirements. Some courses are offered in alternating years. The student is responsible for confirming that he/she has the necessary prerequisites or permission of the instructor. For some courses that are part of other program cores and subject to internal enrollment restrictions, permission of the instructor may be required even if prerequisites are met. Other technical courses (courses with level 200+ that do not appear in the complimentary studies list for APSC) may be considered as eligible Technical Electives with the permission of the GEOE academic advisor and GEOE curriculum chair, and if the instructor of the course permits the student to register.

Technical Electives List

APSC 250Biology Through an Engineering Lens3.50
APSC 303Professional Internship (Pending successful completion of Queen's Internship Program - QUIP)3.50
APSC 381Advanced Design and Skills for Innovation3.50
APSC 480Multi-disciplinary Industry9.00
CHEE 324Organic Process Development3.50
CHEE 371Mitigation of Industrial Pollution3.50
CIVL 215Materials For Civil Engineers4.50
CIVL 231Solid Mechanics II4.50
CIVL 250Hydraulics I4.00
CIVL 350Hydraulics 23.75
CIVL 340Geotechnical Engineering 13.75
CIVL 341Geotechnical Engineering 24.00
CIVL 371Groundwater Engineering3.75
CIVL 442Geotechnical Design3.75
CIVL 443Geoenvironmental Design4.00
CIVL 451Lake, Reservoir and Coastal3.75
CIVL 455River Engineering4.00
CIVL 471Subsurface Contamination4.00
CHEE 484Bioremediation3.50
CMPE 320Fndmnts Software Development4.00
ELEC 210 (Deleted)4.25
ELEC 221Electric Circuits4.25
ELEC 278Fundamentals Of Information Structures4.00
ELEC 279Introduction to Object Oriented Programming4.00
ELEC 280Fundamentals of Electromagnets3.75
ELEC 381Applications of Electromagnetics3.75
ENCH 213Intro To Chemical Analysis4.50
ENPH 225Mechanics3.50
ENPH 239Eng. Electricity & Magnetism3.50
ENPH 334Electronics For Applied Scient5.00
GEOE 301Field Studies in Geology1.50
GEOE 337Paleontology3.75
GEOE 340Problems In Geological Engineering3.00
GEOE 341Special Topics in Applied Geology3.00
GEOE 343Applied Hydrogeology3.50
GEOE 368Carbonate Sedimentology4.50
GEOE 401Field Studies in Geology II1.50
GEOE 410Geological Engineering Field School4.00
GEOE 414Foundations of the Oil and Gas Industry3.50
GEOE 418Petroleum Geology4.50
GEOE 419Engineering Geophysics Field School4.00
GEOE 439Advanced Applied Geophysics3.00
GEOE 452Instrumental Techniques Applied to the Study of Solids3.00
GEOE 462Advanced Petrogenesis and Metallogenesis4.50
GEOE 463Spatial Information Management in the Geosciences3.50
GEOE 464Visualization in Geosciences1.50
GEOE 466Isotopes & The Environment4.00
GEOE 475Exploration and Environmental Geochemistry4.30
GEOE 478Terrigenous Sedimentology3.50
GEOE 481Advanced Structural Analysis3.50
GEOE 488Geology Of North America3.00
GPHY 304Northern and Arctic Environments3.00
MINE 321Drilling & Blasting4.50
MINE 330Mineral Industry Economics3.50
MINE 335Mineral Processing3.00
MINE 422Mining And Sustainability4.00
MINE 467Geostatistics and Orebody Modelling4.50
MINE 469 (Deleted)4.00
MNTC 408Mine Health and Safety3.00
MTHE 227Vector Analysis3.00
MTHE 228Complex Analysis3.50
MTHE 339Evolutionary Game Theory3.00
ENPH 242Relativity And Quanta3.50
MECH 228Kinematics And Dynamics3.50
MECH 230Applied Thermodynamics I3.50
MECH 270Materials Science and Engineering3.50
MINE 459Risk and Reliability Analysis for Industrial Asset Management, Health & Safety4.00