Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Academic Regulation 8: System of Grading and Transcript Notations

This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 calendar. To access the most recent version of the calendar, please visit

8.1 - Evaluative Grades

The grades for all theory courses taken in the BNSc Program are:

Letter Grade Grade Point Percentage
A+ 4.3 90-100%
A 4.0 85-89%
A- 3.7 80-84%
B+ 3.3 77-79%
B 3.0 73-76%
B- 2.7 70-72%
C+ 2.3 67-69%
C 2.0 63-66%
C- 1.7 60-63%
D+ 1.3 57-59%
D 1.0 53-56%
D- 0.7 50-52%
F 0.0 0-49%

The grade point average (GPA) shall be calculated by multiplying the grade points earned in a course by the unit value of that course, then dividing by the total number of units attempted during the period of time over which the GPA is being determined. If a course is repeated, the higher mark achieved shall be used in the determination of the GPA.

All clinical courses taken in the BNSc Program are graded on a Pass/Fail basis. A Pass standing (P) denotes a clinical course in which a student successfully completes all the requirements. A course that has been designated Pass standing will not be included in the student’s GPA but will be counted for credit towards the BNSc. Grade point averages may be determined over three periods for evaluative purposes:

Cumulative GPA

The cumulative GPA is determined using all courses attempted and for which grade points are assigned over the time of a student’s registration as an undergraduate at Queen’s University. If a student has repeated a course the higher grade point achieved is used in the cumulative GPA calculation. In the case of students who transfer into the School of Nursing from another Faculty or School at Queen’s, Dual Degree students and Second Degree students, all courses attempted in other Faculties/Schools and/or towards other degree programs shall be included in the cumulative GPA.

Term GPA

The Term GPA shall be determined using all courses attempted and for which grade points are assigned during a particular academic term.

Academic Year GPA

The Academic Year GPA shall be determined using all courses attempted and for which grade points are assigned during a particular academic year starting on 1 September and ending on the subsequent 31 August.

8.2 - Non-Evaluative Grades

Grade Deferred GD

Grade Deferred standing (GD) is a temporary designation reserved for circumstances in which a student has submitted all the work in a course, but the final grade is not available (i.e., late assignments not yet marked), or a suspected departure from academic integrity or suspected finding from the professional behaviour policy is under investigation or under appeal and a final grade for the course cannot yet be determined.

The instructor shall indicate to the Chair, Undergraduate Academic Progress and Graduation Committee, School of Nursing (UAPGG), the special circumstances under which the GD is being assigned, and in the case of (i) above, shall provide a timeline for submission of the final grade.

A grade of GD will not be included in the determination of a student’s GPA, and any course with a GD designation may not be counted for credit towards a degree program.

To take any course for which the grade deferred course is a prerequisite, the student must successfully complete the grade deferred course, subject to a decision on a pending appeal or hearing.

NOTE: GD differs from the notation IN, which indicates that a student has not submitted all the work assigned and the instructor has agreed to accept the outstanding work.

Incomplete IN

Incomplete standing (IN) is a temporary designation reserved for a course in which a student who, because of extenuating circumstances beyond their control, has not completed all term work for a course or requests permission to defer the writing of a final examination.

A student seeking incomplete standing may be requested to provide, at the instructor’s discretion, a medical certificate or other documentation that demonstrates extenuating circumstances. The date for the work to be completed should be reached by mutual agreement between the instructor and student. Incomplete work can be submitted no later than the end of the subsequent term.

In cases where a student will receive a failing grade if all outstanding work is not completed or the exam is not written, an IN grade will be submitted by the instructor. A grade of IN will not be included in the determination of a student’s GPA, and any course with an IN designation may not be counted for credit towards a degree program. If the outstanding work is not submitted by the end of the subsequent term, the IN grade will lapse to an F (Failure) and will be included in the student's GPA.

In cases where a student will receive a failing grade if all outstanding work is not completed or the exam is not written, an IN grade will be submitted by the instructor. A grade of IN will not be included in the determination of a student’s GPA, and any course with an IN designation may not be counted for credit towards a degree program. If the outstanding work is not submitted by the end of the subsequent term, the IN grade will lapse to an F (Failure) and will be included in the student's GPA.

Any extensions beyond either the date of the first agreement or the end of the subsequent term must be based on further extenuating circumstances and will require an appeal to the Chair, UAPGC, School of Nursing with support from the instructor.

Where an instructor will not grant incomplete standing, the student may appeal the decision to the Chair, UAPGC, School of Nursing.

To take any course for which the incomplete course is a prerequisite, the student must successfully complete the incomplete course.

Transfer Credit TR

A transfer credit (TR) designation is reserved for a course in which a student undertakes study at another accredited post-secondary institution. A transcript note will accompany this entry, indicating the University or other academic institution from which the credit was earned, and the degree program to which the transferred course is being credited. In order to receive the TR credit, the student must obtain a GPA of 1.7 or higher in the course studied. Under no circumstances shall the grade provided by another post - secondary institution be placed on the Queen’s transcript.

Students who wish to use a course in which they have a TR designation as a prerequisite for registering in a further class may need to appeal to the instructor of the class if the prerequisite requirement includes a grade higher than C. The instructor  has the authority to waive this prerequisite at their discretion.

Transfer Credit designations will not be included in the student’s GPA but may be counted for credit towards a degree program.

Audit AU

Permission to audit a course must be given by the Associate Director (Undergraduate Nursing Programs) and the Course Instructor. Audit designations will not be included in the student’s GPA and may not be counted for credit towards a degree program. See Academic Regulation 11.

Dropped DR

The dropped designation indicates a course that is dropped after the last deadline to drop a course without academic penalty.

Dropped designations will not be included in the student’s GPA and will not count for credit towards a degree program.

Not Graded NG

The Not Graded (NG) designation indicates the completion of the first half of a full-year course. A student will receive an NG designation at the end of the first term in which the class was in progress. At the end of the second term in which the course is offered, a letter grade or other appropriate designation shall be entered.

Not Graded designations will not be included in the student’s GPA and will not be counted for credit towards a degree program. No course with a NG designation may subsequently be counted as partial or full credit towards completion of another course at Queen’s University, or as transfer credit.