GEOE 221 Geological Engineering Field Methods Units: 5.00
The engineering field study of surficial deposits, rock types, and geological processes, based on the geology of the Kingston area. Descriptions, samples and measurements acquired on several field trips will be analyzed, and the results and interpretations recorded in maps, sections, and reports throughout the course. NOTE: Field trips and laboratories are 4 hours per week. Please consult the Departmental website for more information regarding estimated field trip costs.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 2, Tut: 0)
(Lec: 3, Lab: 2, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 151
Offering Term: F
CEAB Units:
Mathematics 0
Natural Sciences 16
Complementary Studies 16
Engineering Science 28
Engineering Design 0
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate that they can plan and conduct field investigations in a safe, ethical, socially and environmentally responsible manner with scientific and academic integrity.
- Demonstrate facility with basic field and lab techniques for reliable and meaningful measuring and characterizing of key geological and geological engineering parameters.
- Categorize and compare the rocks in an area and be able to explain the variability of the characteristics of components in a natural system.
- Demonstrate proficiency with basic principles of historical geology which they will be able to use to logically determine the sequence of geological events in an area.
- Apply knowledge to solve geological and geological engineering problems with an incomplete or sparse data set in three dimensions.
- Demonstrate spatial and temporal reasoning on all scales in real time during field work and during analysis of field data.
- Select, analyze, synthesize, discuss (oral) and professionally report (written, visual) on geological data as presented on maps and cross-sections.
- In groups and individually, critically evaluate geological data and related information from a variety of sources on specific topics in field geology, and report the results in a variety of formats.
- Collect and Interpret data obtained while on the field trips, and design and submit a written report with maps and recommendations on a site-specific engineering problem.