Thesis Topics: Art History M.A. & Ph.D. Alumni

Cassidy Alejandria, M.A.

“Being “Other”: Ana Mendieta’s Artistic Practice and Feminist Politics within Arts Institutions”

Rose Conlin, Ph.D.

“Global Narratives and Knowledge Production in the Collection of Nicolaes Witsen”

Anna Douglas, M.A.

“Sex and Gender in the Biotech Century: Locating the Corporeal Body in SubRosa’s Cyberfeminist Art”

Christina MacLachlan, M.A.

“The Agnes Etherington Art Centre: The Formation and Growth of a University Collection Through Specific Donations and Endowments - The Early Years”

Cynthia Prieur, Ph.D.

“The French Confiscation of Perugino’s Paintings and the Reputation of the Artist, 1797-1815”

Akosua Adasi, M.A.

“Radical Interventions and Resistant Black Looks: Wangechi Mutu’s Transgressive Black Female Subjectivity”

Jennifer Burgess, Ph.D.

“Entangled: Three Arctic Communities, Textiles, and Mid-Century Modernisms in Canada”

Béatrice Cloutier-Trepanier, Ph.D.

“In and Out of Feminism: The Experimental Writings of Lee Lozano and Lucy Lippard”

Genevieve Flavelle, Ph.D.

“Once Upon a Queer Time: A Study of Reparative and Speculative Histories in the Work of 2SLGBTQ+ Contemporary Artists”

Amber Berson, Ph.D.

“A Case for Utopian Dreaming: Feminisms within Canadian Artist-Run Centres”

Kennis Forte, Ph.D.

“The Italian Sacri Monti and their Sculptures as a Spiritual Boundary during the Counter-Reformation”

Katherine Marshall, M.A.

“The Countess’ Print Album: An Examination of Heads, English & Foreign Collected by Henrietta Louisa Jeffreys, Countess of Pomfret”

Shaelagh Cull, M.A.

“Transformations in Material Culture: John Blueboy and the Tamarack Goose”

Andrea Morgan, Ph.D.

“Rembrandt in the Country House: The Collecting and Display of Dutch Pictures in England c. 1700-1850”

Caylen Heckel, Ph.D.

“Masculinity and Exile: The Art of Benvenuto Cellini”

Sheilagh Quaile, Ph.D.

“Paisley, Scotland’s Nineteenth-Century Shawl Designers: Innovators or Imitators?”

Magdalena Berthet, M.A.

"Art, Female Agency, and Otherness in the Lives and Art Practices of Tarsila do Amaral, María Izquíerdo and Raquel Forner" 

Rachael Havens, M.A.

"The Desirability of the Maternal Identity: Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun's Portraits of Mothers and Their Children from Bourbon to Bonaparte"

Frances Wallace, M.A. 

"Switzerland, Secrets, and Stolen Art: How Efforts to Preserve the Swiss Art Market's Reputation Have Facilitated Cultural Property Crime Since the Second World War" 

Casey Lee, Ph.D.

"Taste and Ambition: Dutch Artists and Their Collections of Works on Paper" 

Helena Schroeder, Ph.D. 

"Heretics and Martyrs: Picturing Early Anabaptism in Visual Culture of the Dutch Republic"

Benjamin McHutchion, M.A.

“Collective Memory in Transition: Macdonald, Cornwallis and Statue Removal in Canada”

Alec Aldrich, M.A.

"'The Town Hall Speaks': The Old Town Hall in Rembrandt's Amsterdam"

Kate Hutton, M.A. 

"The Exceptional Woman Unraveled: Understanding Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun's Educational and Artistic Style" 

Peter Rotundo, M.A.

"Romantic Ruins and the Picturesque Bombsites: Conserving the Ruins of Tintern Abby and Coventry Cathedral" 

Sarah Alford, Ph.D. 

"Art Botany in Nineteenth-Century Design Reform 1830-1865." 

Anna-Maria Moubayed, Ph.D. 

"All About Eve and Other Stories: Representations of Eve in French Romanesque Sculpture." 

Meaghan Whitehead, Ph.D. 

"Humour and Humilitas: Wall Painting in the Palaces of Castles of Henry III of England (r: 1216-1272)

Heather Merla, Ph.D. 

"Art and Nature at the Court of Francesco I de'Medici: Coral, Rock Crystal, Lapis Lazuli, and Shells" 

Elizabeth Fawcett, M.A.

"Faces of the Courtroom: How the Visual Elements of Portraiture Contribute to the Construction and Communication of the Courtroom Sketches." 

Marla Dobson, Ph.D.

"The Horse-Drawn Omnibus in Victorian Visual Culture"

Carolyn Mensing, Ph.D.

"Netherlandish Painting in Portugal: Trade, Reception, and Impact around 1500"

Chantal Manna, Ph.D.

"On the Road to Rome: Ephemera and Experience in Queen Christina's Italy" 

Farrukh Rafiq, Ph.D.
"Nationalism and Pre-Raphaelite Art"

Julie Hollenbach, Ph.D.
"The Social Practice of Crafting: Gender, Class, and Race in Western Craft"

Agnes Ladon, Ph.D. 
"The Art of Arctic Sovereignty: Towards Visualizing the North as Canadian, 1927-1974"

Elysia French, Ph.D.
"A Crude Case: Landscapes of Extraction in Canadian Contemporary Visual Culture" 

Emily Marshall, M.A.
"Interiority Complex: The Intimacy of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's Elles

Alyssa Abraham, Ph.D.

Brianne Gascho, M.A.
"Goa's Catholic Architecture: Creating the ‘Goan’ Style and Constructing a Local Identity”

Lauren Mathieson, M.A.
"Identity Construction in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Colonial Senegal"

Andrew Ward, M.A.
" ‘There is...something of the Gospel in Rembrandt’ ": Vincent van Gogh's Spiritual and Aesthetic Relationship with an Old Dutch Master"

Rosemary Legge, M.A.
"Spectacular Pleasures: The Mirror in the French Rococo Interior"

Astrid Hobill, M.A.

Siobhan Locke, M.A.

Mieke Rodenburg, M.A.

Monique Marie Wozny, M.A.
"Constructions of Childhood in the Dutch Golden Age and Pedagogical Theory in the Dutch Republic as Reflected in Children's Portraiture: The Dog Motif, the Apple, and the Meanginfulness of the Dutch Rinkelbel"

Alyssa Abraham, Ph.D.

“The Reception of Correggio's Two Altarpieces for Modena in their Confraternity Settings”

Mieke Rodenburg, M.A.

“Two Hundred Wildflowers: Annora Brown’s Botanical Watercolours, Scientific Illustration, and Conservationism in Alberta”

Lisa Binkley, Ph.D.

“Stitching Settler Identities: Canadian Quilts and Their Makers, 1800-1880”

Molly-Claire I.M. Gillet, M.A.

“Religious Sculpture of the Chiloé Archipelago, From the 17th to the 21st Century”

Rachel Gotlieb, Ph.D.

“Ceramics in Britain (1840-90): Meanings and Metaphors”

Nenagh Hathaway, Ph.D.

“Beyond Black and White: The grisaille exterior of the Netherlandish triptych”

Ashley Paolozzi, M.A.

“The Capital Sculpture of Wells Cathedral, c. 1184-1210”

Norah Petersen, M.A.

“"Fit Cradle of the Reviving Art": An inquiry into the the Evolving Material Reality of the Murals in the Camposanto of Pisa from the Perspective of their British Reception from the 17th to the 19th century”

Laura Elizabeth Thiel, Ph.D.
"The Gentleman-Scholar at Home: Domesticity, Masculinity, and Civility in Dutch Seventeenth-Century Genre Painting."

Budd, Sarah, M.A.
"From the Blue Rider to Standard Bearer: The Self-Fashioned Fate of Franz Marc"

Burgess, Jennifer, M.A.

Cheung, Gabriel, M.A.
"Contemporary Architecture as Urban Interventions: Thoughts on Blur Building and the High Line"

Christopherson, Kristen, M.A.

Cull, Brendan, M.A. 
"Ovide Brunet, the Atelier Photographique de Livernois & Cie., and Sites et végétaux du Canada: The Art and Science of Early Canadian Botanical Photography"

Dowdell, Carolyn, Ph.D.
"The Multiple Lives of Clothes: Alteration and Reuse of Women’s Eighteenth-Century Apparel in England"

Fiala, Julie, Ph.D.
"Ethics of Listening:  Examining Methods and Praxes Toward a Community-Centred Art"

Forte, Kennis, M.A.
"Defeated Bodies"

Johnstone-Bedell, Emerald, M.A.

McColeman, Susanne, Ph.D.
"Vasari, the Medici, and the Grotesques of the Palazzo Vecchio"

Pappas, MaryClaire, M.A.

Plant, Johanna, Ph.D.
"Constituting the Archives of Artist-Run Culture: A Self-Conscious Apparatus of History"

Quaile, Sheilagh, M.A.
"'Wrapped in import: Kashmiri shawls in British paintings of the long nineteenth century" 

Thackway, Amanda, M.A.
“‘The Blur of Chic’: Capturing Style in Giovanni Boldini’s Society Portraits at the Fin-de-Siècle

West, Alana, Ph.D.
"Frederick H. Evans: A Man of Catholic Interests"

Wood, Emma, M.A.


Amos, Joanna, Ph.D.
"'The Burden of the Image:’ Jane Morris in Art and Life" 

Copp, Catherine, Ph.D.
"The Carracci And Venice: Annibale Carracci's Stylistic Response To Venetian Art, And The Intermediate Roles Of Ludovico And Agostino Carracci"

Falcón-Wiebe, Ana-Joel, Ph.D.
"Théodule Augustin Ribot: The Impact of Spanish Painting on the Artist's Work and Criticism"

Lepine-Cercone, Chantelle, Ph.D.
"Art and Business in 17th-Century Naples: The Collecting, Dealing and Patronage Practices of Gaspare Roomer"

Morhart, Amanda, Ph.D.
"Black Africans as 'Domestic Enemies' in Late Italian Renaissance Narrative Painting"

Symko, Riva, Ph.D.
"Everything (Old was New) Already: Theories, Histories, and Politics of Appropriation, Contemporary Art, and Culture"

Vingoe-Cram, Katharine, M.A.,
"Embalmed Spaces: Locating Folk Art in Canadian Institutions"

Benson, Rebecca, M.A.

“The Myth of Participatory Art: An Analysis of the Contradictions Present in Marina Abramović’s The Artist is Present and Hélio Oiticica’s Parangolés”

Nardelli, Rosalie, M.A.

“Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s Composite Portraits and the Alchemical Universe of the Early Modern Habsburg Court (1546-1612)”

Adams, Kathleen, M.A.
“‘Details and Human Drama’: Picturing the Wreck of the SS Atlantic

Becker Nelson, Jane, M.A.

Buis, Alena, Ph.D.
"Homeliness and Worldliness: Materiality and the Making of New Netherland, 1609-1740"

Diorio, Jennifer, Ph.D.
"The Production Methods of Neri di Bicci and the Prevalence of Cartoon Usage in Fifteenth-Century Florence" 

Fisher, Allison, Ph.D. 
"Artistic Interest in the life of Alexander the Great during the Italian Renaissance, with a focus on Raphael and his workshop: designs in all media"

Heckel, Caylen, M.A.

Hollenbach, Julie, M.A.
"Comfort/Discomfort: Allyson Mitchell's Queer Re-Crafting of the Home, the Museum and the Nation." 

Howard, Brianne Ph.D.
“Cross-Cultural Negotiations: Three Collections of African Visual and Material Culture in Canadian Cultural Institutions”

Huang, Xiao Yin (Jenny), Ph.D. 
"Francesco Salviati ritrattista: Experiments in Cinquecento Portraiture."

Knight, Janina Ph.D.  
"The Drawings of G. B. Montano: Baroque Ornamentation on Roman Ruins" 

Ladon, Agnes, M.A
"Art and Arctic Sovereignty: A.Y. Jackson, Lawren S. Harris and Canada's Eastern Arctic Patrols"

Lee, Casey, M.A.

McDonald, Robin, M.A."Drawing/Desiring" 

McManus, Kit, M.A.

Roy, Angelique, M.A.
"Christ's Descent into Limbo: Patronage, Liturgy and Imagination in Sixteenth Century Italian Altarpieces"

Thornton, Kristina, M.A.   
"Stitched Strategies of Subversion: Contemporary Embroidery and the Work of Ghada Amer"

Sloan, Tierney, M.A. 
"Placid Exuberance and Ostentatious Habits: Depicting the Human Figure in New Spain, New France, and the Guarani Reductions of Paraguay"

Smith, Sarah E. K., Ph.D.   
"Art and the Invention of North America, 1985-2012"

Weichel, Eric, Ph.D.

Belovari, Adam Louis, M.A.

Brûlé, Margaret Anne, M.A.
"From a Home in the Suburbs to a Retreat in the Wilderness: The Domestic Architecture of Frank T. Lent"

Davies, Michael, M.A.
"A Chemical Comparison of two Different Oxidizing Bleaches and the History of Early European Paper and Papermaking"

Diggon, Elizabeth, M.A.

“The Politics of Cultural Power: Canadian Participation at the Venice and São Paulo Biennials, 1951–1958”

Howard, Brianne, Ph.D.
"Cross-Cultural Negotiations: Three Collections of African Visual and Material Culture in Canadian Cultural Institutions"

Ladon, Agnes, M.A.
"The Art of Arctic Sovereignty: A.Y. Jackson, Lawren S. Harris and Canada's Eastern Arctic Patrols"

Simpson, Alexandra Leigh, M.A.

Therien, Devin, Ph.D.
"'Terribile Disegno' and 'Eroico Componimento': Mattia Preti's Artistic Practice and Its Reception in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Italy." 

Thornton, Kristina, M.A.
"'Stitched Strategies of Subversion: Contemporary Embroidery and the Paintings of Ghada Amer". Teaches Art History at Columbia College, Vancouver

Valkenborg, Chantal-Christine, M.A.

Valsamas, Maxime, M.A.

“Honoré Daumier’s Allegorical Satires from the Late Second Empire”

Whitehead, Meaghan, M.A.

Antoncic, Debra Anne, Ph.D. 
"'Oddballs and Eccentrics' ('Les hirsutes et les excentriques'): Visual Arts and Artists in the Popular Press in Post-war Canada" 

Bylsma, Megan , M.A.
"Nationalism, Cultural Imperialism, and the Emma Lake Artists' Workshops"

Cahill, Susan Elizabeth, Ph.D. 
"Contested Terrains: Visualizing the Nation within Global Military Conflicts" 

Davies, Michael Christopher, Ph.D.

“A Chemical Comparison of Two Different Oxidizing Bleaches and the History of Early European Paper and Papermaking”


French, Elysia, M.A.
"Sights of Desire; Sites of Demise - The Environment in the Works of Edward Burtynsky and Olafur Eliasson"

Links, Duncan, M.A.


“Challenging the Pecking Order with a Rubber Chicken: Subversive Humour in Canadian Folk Art"

Merla, Heather, M.A.

Pile, Kaitlin, M.A.

Ristvedt, Milly M. T., M.A. 
"Reinhardt, Martin, Richter: Colour in the Grid of Contemporary Painting" 

Smith, Brennan Jade, M.A. “Past, Future, World and Spirit: Bertram Brooker's Enchanted Modernism"

Swain, Robert F., M.A. 
"Introibo ad Altare Dei: El Greco's Espolio in the Context of Church and State in Post-Tridentine Spain" 

Taunton, Carla Jane, Ph.D. 
"Performing Resistance/Negotiating Sovereignty: Indigenous Women's Performance Art in Canada" 

Thornsteinson, Jeffrey, M.A.
“Contextual Modernism: Critical Regionalism and Canadian Architecture, 1939-1980"

Travers, Erin, M.A.“The Tip of the Tongue, the Teeth, the Lips: The Etiquette of Smiling in Anthony van Dyck's and Frans Hals Portraits"

Tripi, Christina, M.A.

Wenngren, Claire, M.A.

Gesamtkunstfrauen and the Gendered Culture of (dis)Appearances: Inhabiting and Reappropriating the Domestic Gesamtkunstwerk in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna”

Atkinson, Elaine M., Ph.D. 
"The Fringes of Immortality:  A Goodly Company and Artistic Collaborations in Visionary Art 1880-1930" 

Cardarelli, Alessandra, M.A.

Sirove, Taryn, Ph.D. 
"Regulated Freedoms And Disrupted Rituals: Histories of Media Censorship in English Canada" 

Skelly, Julia, Ph.D. 
"The Desire to Fill: Addiction and British Visual Culture, 1751-1919" 

Terry, Andrea, Ph.D
"'Living History' in Canada: Representing Victorian Culture in the Multicultural Present" 

Ellis, Sara, M.A. 
"The Late Trecento Fresco Decoration of the Palazzo Datini in Prato" 

Jones, Sarah, M.A. 
"Filming the Folk Artist-Genius: The 'Documentation' of Maud Lewis" 

Schwan, Kaitlin, M.A. 
"HIV/AIDS and Identity Recovery: STITCHing the Self Back Together" 

Morton, Erin, Ph.D. 
"Visions which Succeed: Regional Publics and Public Folk Art in Maritime Canada" 

Stoenescu, Livia, Ph.D. 
"The Visual Narratives of El Greco, Annibale Carracci and Rubens: Altarpieces of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in the Early Modern Age" 

Veitch, Michelle, Ph.D. 
"Site Specific Practices and Urban Regeneration in Canada from 1980 to the Present" 

MacNayr, Linda, Ph.D.
"Situating Charlotte: Reading Politics in Portraits of Belgian Princess Charlotte, Vicereine of Lombardy-Venetia, Empress of Mexico."

Campbell, Kristin, Ph.D. 
"Pictures for the Nation: Conceptualizing a Collection of 'Old Masters' for London, 1775-1800" 

MacNayr, Linda, Ph.D. 
"Situating Charlotte: Portraits of Princess Charlotte of Belgium (1840-1927), Vicereine of Lombardy-Venetia, Empress of Mexico" 

Meiers, Sarah, Ph.D. 
"The Green Dining Room: The Experience of an Arts and Crafts Interior"

Smith, Sarah E.K., M.A.   
"Cultural Brokering: Art, National Identity, and the Influence of Free Trade"

Falcón, Ana-Joel
"The Orient Imagined, Experienced, and Remembered in the Work of Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps (1803-1860): A Study of the Artist's Personal Orient"

Rebecca Ehlert, M.A. 
"S. Maria Del Pianto: Loss, Remembrance and Legacy in Seventeenth Century Naples"

David McLay, M.A. 
"Depictions of The Battle of Lepanto October 7, 1571"

Natalie Nanton, M.A. 
"Architecture of the Periphery: Considering Claude-Nicolas Ledoux's Barrières As Gateways Between the City and Countryside"

Christyna Prokipchuk, M.A. 
"The Personal Biographies and Building Activities of Empresses Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine the Great"

Andrea Bubenik, Ph.D. 
"The Reception of Albrecht Dürer, 1528-1700: Aspects of Art, Science and Collecting"

Kristy A. Holmes, Ph.D. 
"Negotiating the Nation: The Work of Joyce Wieland, 1968-1976"

Laura Marchiori, Ph.D. 
Art and Reform in Tenth-Century Rome -- The Paintings of S. Maria in Pallara

Alla Myzelev, Ph.D. 
"Crafting Collections: Collecting and Revitalizing Peasant Handicraft in Victorian England and Imperial Russia 1895-1918"

Kimberley Muir, Ph.D. 
"Wounded Masterpieces: Restoring Works of Art When Damage Carries Meanin"

Krystina Stermole, Ph.D. 
"Venetian Art & The War of the League of Cambrai (1509-1517)"

Angela Marisol Roberts, Ph.D. 
"Donor Portraits in Late Medieval Venice c.1280-1413"

Susan Elizabeth Cahill, M.A. 
"Crafting culture, fabricating identity: gender and textiles in Limerick lace, Clare embroidery and the Deerfield Society of Blue and White Needlework"

Emily Jane Rothwell, M.A.

"The Strength of a Knitted Home: Retrieving Histories Through Janet Morton's Wool Installations"

Lee Oldford, M.A. 
"The art of socialism: William Morris and the Kelmscott Chaucer Press"

Kirsty M. Robertson, Ph.D. 
"Tear-gas epiphanies : new economics of protest, vision, and culture in Canada"

Peter Coffman, Ph.D. 
"Sectarian rivalry, denominational identity, and gothic revival architecture in Newfoundland"

Judy Ciccaglione, M.A. 
""La Bella Romana": A Sixteenth-Century Parmesan Painting of Lucretia Committing Suicide and Its Literary and Visual Precedents"

Anne Marie Minardi, M.A. 
"Articulating recent contemporary art production: Utopian practices, anarchist collectives, new social movements"

Taryn Sirove, M.A. 
"Pro-Feminist Men, Masculinities and the Habits video exhibition (1986): Re-covering a self-critique of patriarchy"

Andrea Terry, M.A. 
"Claiming Christmas for the Tourist: "Living History" at Dundurn Castle"

Ann Marie Carroll, M.A. 
"Private Piety and the Art of Simone Martini: An Exploration of the Iconography, Patronage, and Function of some Devotional Images in the first half of the Trecento."

Donna Scott, M.A. 
"Everyone has a story: an investigation of three Florentine historiated panels"

Alan Arcadia, M.A. 
"Object, Messenger: William Morris, Mass Production, and the Social Roles of Books"

Erin Morton, M.A. 
"Representing Region: Exhibiting Place in Nova Scotia"

Kamille Parkinson, Ph.D. 
"Philip John Bainbrigge and the Group of 1838: Imperial Landscapes and the Colonial Art Scene in Canada"

John Potvin, Ph.D. 
"Looking Beyond Male Bonding: "The New Chivalry" and the Boundaries of Same-Sex Intimacy in turn-of-the-century Britain"

Michael C. Walker, M.A. 
"The Methodology of the Connoisseur: Rembrandt, M.M. van Dantzig and the Concept of Pictology"

Christine Elizabeth Bell, M.A. 
"Homeless Heroes: The Highlander in Nineteenth Century British Visual Culture"

Allison Morgan Sherman, M.A. 
"St. Louis of Toulouse in Renaissance Venetian Art"

Steven Francis Hugh Stowell, M.A. 
"Studies in the Function of Homoerotic Imagery in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Florence"

Tania Anne Woloshyn, M.A. 
"Health and Consolation in Renoir's Late Southern Works, c. 1895-1919"

Elizabeth Jane Markus, M.A. 
"The Cathedral of Cefalù: Images of Virtue of the King"

Cronin, J. Keri, Ph.D. 
"Manufacturing National Park Nature: Photography, Ecology, and the Wilderness Industry of Jasper National Park"

Kimberly Wahl, Ph.D. 
Interests/Specialty: "Aesthetic Dress in Nineteenth-Century British Visual Culture"

Uldis Dimisevskis, M.A. 
"Counter-Monument Art, Public Debate and Memory as Archive"

Elaine Cheasley Paterson, Ph.D. 
"Decoration and Desire: Women of the Home Arts Movement, 1884-1915"

Sarah Dupré, M.A. 
"Imagining the Art of French Canada: The 1929 Exhibition of Canadian Handicraft"

Andrea Kunard, Ph.D. 
"Promoting Culture Through Photography in the National Gallery of Canada and the Still Photography Division of the National Film Board of Canada"

Jane Paisley Russell Corbett, Ph.D. 
"Painted Science: Convention and Change in Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Paintings of Alchemists, Physicians and Astronomers"

Sally Hickson, Ph.D. 
"Female Patronage and the Language of Art in the Circle of Isabella d'Este in Mantua, c. 1470-1560"

Milijana Mladjan, M.A. 
""Soldiers of Christ" in the Schiavoni Confraternity: Towards a Visualization of the Dalmatian Diaspora in Renaissance Venice"

E.M. Atkinson, M.A. 
"Where the Little Things of the Woodland Live Unseen: visions of 'Blighty'"

Laurie Dalton, M.A. 
"The Scotiabank Maud Lewis Gallery and the "Folking Over" of Nova Scotia"

Derek Rushton, M.A. 
"Alternative Geographies of Identity: Two Decades of Art and HIV/AIDS Activism in Toronto"

Raeme Louise Lockington, M.A. 
"Hendrick Terbrugghen: Selected Studies"

Venetia Stewart, M.A. 
"Pictor Regius: John Michael Wright (1617-94), Painter to King, Court and Country"

Nikki Cormier, M.A. 
"The Representation of Patterned Textiles in the Church of San Marco, Venice"

Sarah Rozalja Kyle, M.A. 
"Simone Martini's Vergil frontispiece: a study of Petrarchan patronage"

Nicola Justine Spasoff, Ph.D. 
"Building on Social Power: Percy Erskine Nobbs, Ramsay Traquair and the Project of Constructing a Canadian National Culture in the Early Decades of the Twentieth Century"

Sarah Helen Meiers, M.A. 
"Artists in print : Hieronymus Cock and his 1572 series of engraved portraits"

Victoria Catherine Pollard, M.A. 
"Private and civic virtue: scipio africanus major in Dutch seventeenth-century art"

Jennifer J. Bird, M.A. 
"Designs for the decorative arts by Francesco Salviati"

Kirsty M. Robertson, M.A. 
"We Stand on Guard for Thee: Protecting Myths of Nation in "Canvas of War""

Annabel Fay Hanson, M.A. 
"The Pantheon on Nepean Point?: The Canadian War Memorials Collection in Historical Context"

Hillary Barron, M.A. 
"Bernard Berenson and the Robert Lehman collection"

Krystina Karen Stermole, M.A. 
"Sex role reversal imagery in fifteenth-century Italy"

Andrea S. Bubenik, M.A. 
"Art, Astrology and Astronomy at the Imperial Court of Rudolf II (1576-1612)"

Susan Elizabeth Fry, M.A. 
"Field of Dreams: The Building of the Edinburgh New Town 1750-1830"

J. Keri Cronin, M.A. 
"Changing Perspectives: Photography and First Nations Identity"

Megan Jane Lindenbach, M.A. 
"The reception of Rembrandt's art in France, 1700-1780"

Anne Elizabeth Dymond, Ph.D. 
"Exhibiting Provence: Regionalism, Art, and the Nation, 1890-1914

David de Witt, Ph.D. 
" Jan van Noordt (1624-after 1676): famous history and portrait painter in Amsterdam"