Last week, the Art Conservation program hosted Chris Stavroudis as the 2019 Margaret A. Light Visiting Scholar in Art Conservation. Mr. Stavroudis demonstrated a variety of techniques using his Modular Cleaning Program. The Modular Cleaning Program (MCP) is a systematic approach he developed to assist with cleaning artworks. The MCP consists of a series of concentrated stock solutions and a computer database which may be adapted for the creation of liquid, emulsified and gelled cleaning agents. The MCP workshop has offered in the US, Canada, The Netherlands, and Brazil. 

Mr. Stavroudis obtained undergraduate degrees in Chemistry and Art History from the University of Arizona and his Master's degree in Art Conservation from the University of Delaware/Winterthur program in 1983. Mr. Stavroudis is a private conservator based in Los Angeles specializing in paintings. He has conserved works by many artists including a public conservation project on a Jackson Pollock piece at The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.

A person using lab equipment

Mr. Stavroudis demonstrating the formulation of a cleaning agent.

Lots of bottles of cleaning agent components

Cleaning agent components ready to be mixed.

Two people working in a lab

Second year Art Conservation students working in the lab.

People watching someone work in a lab

Students observing Mr. Stavroudis working with the cleaning agents.

Two people using equipment in a lab

Second year Art Conservation students mixing chemicals.

Four people working in a lab

First year Art Conservation students attempting to create a cleaning emulsion.

A group photo of lab employees

All Art Conservation students and faculty with Mr. Stavroudis

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