Docking, Emily Claire

Emily Claire Docking

M.A.C. Candidate

Art Conservation Program

People Directory Affiliation Category

Stream: Treatment
Specialization: Artifacts
Areas of Interest: Chemical Analysis, Degradation Mechanisms, Metal Corrosion, Pigment Degradation, Polychrome, Modern Materials

Emily Claire Docking is a recent graduate of the University of Calgary, obtaining an Honours Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Minor in Visual Studies and Art History. While studying abroad at the University of Amsterdam, they studied Rembrandt and Modern European Art, focusing on the intersection of chemistry and art history. Upon returning to Calgary, Emily Claire began to pursue art conservation, focusing research in class on the chemistry of pigment/binder interactions, surface chemistry of paints, and completed internship as a Conservation Student Assistant at the University of Calgary’s Archives and Special Collections. This work included assessing incoming accessions for mould contamination, treatment of architectural models from the Canadian Architectural Archives, and condition reporting the Rare Book Collection to support assessment for future treatments.