The Dean of Arts and Science has invoked a temporary suspension to admissions to the Bachelor of Fine Art (Visual Art) program. Accordingly, we are not offering admissions to the program for September 2024.
Visual Arts at Queen's is undergoing a change. Based on external review and consultations, the Dean created The Visual Art Council Advisory Group and tasked them to undertake the development of a new program in Visual Arts. For more information and committee progress-please visit the following website : https://www.queensu.ca/atsci/about-us/strategic-plan/visual-arts-curriculum-development
New first year courses
In early November, the committee switched gears from discussions about degree plans to developing courses. The overall timeline for students entering into a new degree plan is likely 2026 based on the work done to date and the timelines typical for degree plan development. However, it is possible to develop the courses sooner and have students begin taking those courses. To that end, the council decided to develop two new first year courses that are expected to be the gateway into the program. The proposed course titles and descriptions are:
ARTV 101 : Foundations in Visual Art
A broad introduction to drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture, with an overview of contemporary and historical practices. The course is organized around hands-on workshops, requiring students to replicate technical and theoretical methods that incorporate the elements and principles of art such as line, value, space, texture, shape, form and colour theory. Students will harness fundamental studio skills to enhance their creative expression and artistic intuition while developing the ability to identify and articulate the distinctive aesthetic qualities inherent to each artistic medium.
ARTV 102 : Meaning-making through Visual Art
An introduction to the production of meaning through art making across a range of visual media. Although different in their final forms, all works of art are the product of a series of decisions (material, formal, conceptual, cultural, political, relational) that create effects and meanings. These meanings are shaped by different perspectives and worldviews, and they shift over time or across different contexts. In this course, students will be introduced to a variety of artistic processes and use these to convey concepts gaining critical awareness of how their works engage various audiences.
A total of 120 units are required to complete a four year BFA Honours degree. Sixty of these units will be in Studio, 12 supporting units will be in Art History, and another 48 units will be electives in any subject you wish to study.
Please visit the Faculty of Arts and Science current course calendar for the most up-to-date listing of courses offered.