Homecoming, from home
October 15, 2020

Queen’s Homecoming is a time of celebration, when alumni return to Kingston to connect with old friends, cheer on the Gaels, and take part in an Oil Thigh or two. To protect the health and safety of the community during COVID-19, Queen’s has pivoted to a virtual event for 2020, which will take place Saturday Oct. 17. This year’s Homecoming promises to be safe, fun, and full of as much tricolour spirit as ever.
“Alumni are an integral part of the Queen’s community, and we want to make sure they feel recognized and connected to the university over Homecoming weekend, even if they can’t be on campus. There will be a wide variety of virtual events, so there’s something for everybody who takes part,” says Karen Bertrand, Vice-Principal (Advancement).
Many beloved Homecoming traditions are part of the virtual program, including the Tricolour Guard tribute and the alumni award recognition ceremony. Several guests will also be providing musical entertainment, including Jay Smith and the Queen’s Band.
Gord Sinclair, legendary bassist of the Tragically Hip, will also be on hand to celebrate with his fellow alumni by playing an exclusive virtual set in honour of Homecoming. Sinclair’s performance will take place on on the third anniversary of the death of his Tragically Hip bandmate, Gord Downie.
“We are honoured to have Gord Sinclair join us for what promises to be the highlight of a jam-packed day of Homecoming events,” says Leigh Kalin, Associate Vice-Principal (Alumni Relations & Annual Giving). “Not only is Gord one of our most celebrated alumni, but he is also one of our country’s most beloved artists. His Homecoming performance is not to be missed.”
Tricolour spirit from around the world
“Queen’s alumni live all over the world and a virtual Homecoming makes the event accessible to many of those who would not normally be able to join us in person. We see this event as an opportunity to connect with more alumni than ever before,” says Bertrand.
Bringing award-winning broadcast experience to the virtual event, Queen’s alumna Shelagh Rogers will co-host Homecoming alongside Rico Garcia, Queen’s University Alumni Association President. Rogers has decades of media experience, and she is currently the host of the The Next Chapter on CBC Radio One as well as the chancellor of the University of Victoria. In addition to his role with the Alumni Association, Garcia works as a consultant for McKinsey & Company.
Leading up to Homecoming, Queen’s alumni will have the chance to show their tricolour spirit from around the globe by taking part in Queen’s Day on Oct. 16. This day marks the original granting of the Queen’s charter in 1841. Last year, Queen’s launched a new Queen’s Day celebration by asking alumni and other members of the community to post pictures of themselves wearing tricolour on social media with “#QueensUDay.” The new Queen’s Day tradition will continue this year with the same hashtag.
Learn more and register for virtual Homecoming on the Queen’s Alumni website.