Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Looking Forward, Looking Back: Race, Immigration, Kinship, and Sexuality in the Postcolonial
Read the latest issue at JCRI.ca
The editorial team at the Journal of Critical Race Inquiry (JCRI) is very pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue of the Journal of Critical Race Inquiry. A huge thank you to outgoing Editor, Samantha King, and to journal Manager, Laura Pascoe, who put this this issue of the journal together.
It is an exciting issue featuring articles by Monetta Bailey on racialized immigrant youth experiences in the Extra-judicial Sanctions program in Calgary, by Jina Fast on anti-Black racism in penetrative trauma research, and by Bas Dikman on “white innocence” and “everyday racism” in contemporary Dutch society.
The issue also includes book reviews of David Eng and Shinhee Han’s Racial Melancholia, Racial Dissociation: On the Social and Psychic Lives of Asian Americans, by Christopher Bennett, and of Aren Aizura’s Mobile Subjects: Transnational Imaginaries of Gender Reassignment, by Jacob Barry.
Finally, this issue concludes with a section on JCRI’s Reimagining Kinship, Gender, and Sexuality in Indigenous Communities Colloquium, which features an overview of the Colloquium by Natasha Stirrett as well as papers by Adria Kurchina-Tyson and Sebastian De Line, treating kink and Anishinaabek theories of consent, and embodiment and polyspirited being, respectively.
The JCRI is seeking book reviews for our upcoming, guest edited issue, on "Whiteness in an era of White Rage."